Feature #21938
openIssues display start / due dates on Parent task even if calculated from subtasks
In Administration / Issue Tracking, setting start / due dates to be calculated from subtasks allows to manually set a start date / due date on a parent task even if it has subtasks associated.
It would be nice, if no start / due date are explicitly set on the parent task, to display, on the parent task, the min start date / max due date from all of its subtasks.
We can already do that with the estimated time, and it aggregates the estimated time from subtasks + the parent task.
This calculation is done only if no start / due dates are set on the parent task.
What do you think ?
Updated by Alessandro Zucchi over 6 years ago
I like it.
I found useless replace the start date and due date of the parent task with the value of the subtask. For me the best behaviour is tu do e merge between values as you suggest.
I hope this enhancement will be implemented soon.