Feature #2372
openIdeas for the Revisions page
This is a wishlist for several enhancements of the Revisions page, after evaluating Redmine for a while for use in a project which has a similar list: http://dev.robotbattle.com/cmtinfo_svn.php?r=10 (http://www.exiv2.org)
As a developer, I use the Revisions list constantly to keep track of the changes in a project and these features would in my opinion greatly enhance it:
- A "View differences" link for each revision directly in the Revisions list to avoid the extra step via the "Revision 123" page
- The ability to expand a specific Revision in the Revisions page itself to list the modified files in a compact one-line-per-file format (like you can expand a mail in a conversation in gmail)
- A switch to expand all Revisions on the Revisions page to list the modified files (like "Expand all" in gmail)
- In the expanded view, at each file a link to directly access the differences of just that file and another one to view the file (similar to the links on the "Revision 123" page)
- The ability to filter the Revisions list
a. by issue #, to list only the revisions which refer to a given issue in their commit message (maybe addresses #2287)
b. by branch, to list only the revisions which modified files of the branch (eg, to limit the listed revisions to changes in the unstable branch)
c. by user, to list only the revisions committed by this user
d. by revision number or range of numbers, eg, like this: http://dev.robotbattle.com/cmtinfo_svn.php?r=10&l=50&v=1704-1709,1712 which I often use to refer to changes in discussions)
e. by date or date range
Related issues
Updated by Andreas Huggel over 14 years ago
The "View differences" functionality has been available for a while now. Thanks!
An interesting example for most of the above wishlist items to expand and view modified files from the Revisions page is Loggerhead as used at Sourceforge.
Updated by Andreas Huggel over 14 years ago
An additional "View differences" button on the Revisions page above the revisions table would be useful. It would avoid having to scroll down to the bottom of the page after selecting the revisions to compare. Those tend to be the ones on the top of the list.
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 11 years ago
- Related to Feature #14332: [Repository] Make "view file" the default added
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 11 years ago
- Related to Feature #1424: improve repository viewer added