Feature #24513
openSearch result - show custom field and values in search result
Hello developers,
i would like to implement the possibility to not only search for:
api.id result.id
api.title result.event_title
api.type result.event_type
api.url url_for(result.event_url(:only_path => false))
api.description result.event_description
api.datetime result.event_datetime
but also for a custom_field like "name" or other custom field values.
I tried for some hours, but i am not a ruby on rails developer.
Any hints on how to implementing this quick and dirty?
Related issues
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 8 years ago
- Related to Feature #22607: Search in custom fields and issues added
Updated by Raphael Reumayr over 8 years ago
Sorry Toshi Maruyama. I did not correctly explain the feature.
Searching for custom field works fine in our Redmine 3.3.0.stable environment.
But the "search result" only consists of:
api.id result.id
api.title result.event_title
api.type result.event_type
api.url url_for(result.event_url(:only_path => false))
api.description result.event_description
api.datetime result.event_datetime
we also want to show custom fields in the search result, such as "custom field name" or "custom field firstname" or any other custom field.
As we have custom field "name and firstname" in our issues.
Right now the result looks like this:
"'PROJECT-Name' - 'Title'"
we need:
"PROJECT-Name - 'Title' - 'Firstname' - 'Lastname'"
=> where firstname and lastname are custom fields.
URL: https://exampledomain.com/search?utf8=✓&q=willy
(this would search for willy - and brings correct results but only showing "PROJECT-Name" and "Title" but we need "firname (willy) and lastname (willy's lastname)" as well!
Kind regards,