Defect #25822
closed'Spent time' report is timezone-dependent (which it should not)
It appears that 'Spent time' report is timezone-dependent. That means it may show data differently depending on current TZ setting of the user. This results in weird artifacts, like:
1. Selecting 'past month' filter may still show two months (some hours which were reported at the end of the past/beginning of the current month will show either in past month or current month, depending on the TZ setting)
2. 'past month', if broken down by 'Months', may show more than one month.
This does not appear to be correct - Dates should be accounted for regardless of current TZ setting. For instance, if user reported Date as 2017-03-01, it should remain the same under all settings, and may only be visible for this month (and not in February 2017, for instance).
Related issues
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Duplicate
Duplicate of #16482.
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 8 years ago
- Is duplicate of Defect #16482: Wrong search query for timelog, when timezone not UTC added