Defect #26483
closedREST api for issue doesn't work with sort
The REST api for issue Rest_Issues states that it accepts a parameter 'sort'.
I use the api and pass in the column name, e.g. issue_id, updated_on, created_on, tracker_id etc, but I get the same list in the same order. Even if I also pass in ":desc", I still get the same list in the same order. The api doesn't support sort at all. Please add the support.
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs feedback
Please describe more details.
What parameters do you use?
And please see submissions.
Updated by Mao H over 7 years ago
I use something like "GET" (I'm using X-Redmine-API-Key in the request)
http://<my redmine server>/issues.json?sort=created_on
I also replace created_on with other column name and they all not sorting.
I also try :desc
http://<my redmine server>/issues.json?sort=created_on:desc
":desc" doesn't affect anything.
Both of the above two query return the same result as
http://<my redmine server>/issues.json
Updated by Mao H over 7 years ago
Please close this issue. I find that I miss something in my query. And it works.
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 7 years ago
- Status changed from Needs feedback to Closed