Defect #2754
closedSetting up the default_url_options :port in hook will duplicate with the host parameter(which already contains port param) in settings
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By r2429, the plugin hook will setting up the default_url_options :host, :port, and :protocol.
But in the setting page, the host parameter is designed to contain port, so the two port will duplicated. Now I can see them duplicated in mails.
For example:
- Send test mail in the setting page
- The issue' url in the notification mail
Related issues
Updated by Eric Davis about 16 years ago
Chaoqun Zou, I'm not see this bug at all. Can you attach the source emails and what values you have in your "Host name and path" and "Protocol"?
Attached my own testing results.
Updated by Eric Davis about 16 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed