Feature #298
closedProject to subproject relationship
I suggest changing the project to sub-project relationship from one-to-many to a many-to-many relationship such that
a sub-project could belong to more than one project.
Related issues
Updated by Philippe Lachaise over 17 years ago
Having a visual representaion of such relationhips would be a
big help.
With the current implementation listing projects like this would
already be a big plus :
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 17 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Wont fix
Would add too much complexity when things like roles inheritance will be implemented.
Updated by Richard Pecl about 16 years ago
- Status changed from Closed to Reopened
Could you reconsider this decision?
Such feature is really needed. We have many sub-projects shared between many projects.
Updated by Thomas Pihl about 16 years ago
If they are shared, are they then really subprojects? Sounds more like they are parallell projects with relations to many other projekts.
Updated by Richard Pecl about 16 years ago
They are subprojects.
E.g.: we have communication library, this library is used in two different projects. We need to show issues in communication library in both projects, and on each project there must be clear indication, that it depends on the communication library.
I know there is a workaround filtering issues on multiple projects, but that solves just part of the problem and is totally out of project-subproject user-friendly concepts.
Could somebody designate what Redmine functionality could be affected/must be changed when implementing this feature? Where are sub-projects processed and shown, what are the issues, drawbacks?
As roles inheritance has been mentioned - is that implemented already? I don't think it is necessary to have role inheritance if that breaks possible sub-project sharing.
Updated by Brian Lindahl about 14 years ago
I've remarked on how we solve the problem of shared components in #5283. In my opinion, this is a better way of handling shared components than allowing subprojects to have multiple parents. It better represents whats truly going on, especially when you bring SCM into the picture.
Updated by Tomislav Parčina over 10 years ago
This feature has been opened for long time, and was requested many times. It would be great if it would be implemented.
Duplicates that I could find:
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 10 years ago
- Has duplicate deleted (Feature #5283: Allow more than one parent project i.e. share subprojects)
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 10 years ago
- Status changed from Reopened to Closed
- Resolution changed from Wont fix to Duplicate
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 10 years ago
- Is duplicate of Feature #5283: Allow more than one parent project i.e. share subprojects added