



Feature #30485


Make activity type project dependant instead of redmine global

Added by Stefaan Ellebaut about 6 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

Time tracking
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At this moment, the activity types are set global for al Redmine projects.
We have different types, order numbers, etc per project which would make the global list of types too large and the majority of the list items irrelevant for each separate project.

Redline already allows to set project specific issue categories and versions, so having the same functionality for activity types would be hugely appreciated.


redmine_enumerations_activities.jpg (330 KB) redmine_enumerations_activities.jpg Andreas Baumgärtner, 2020-04-07 09:35
Actions #1

Updated by Junior Hemelaer almost 6 years ago


Actions #2

Updated by Nakita Verbruggen almost 6 years ago


Actions #3

Updated by Jan Naessens almost 6 years ago


Actions #4

Updated by Stefaan Ellebaut over 5 years ago


Actions #5

Updated by Jérôme BATAILLE over 5 years ago

Hi, we have developed a patch that is a generalization of Categories sharing.
It can be used to add new time entries custom fields.

I think it can reply to the need expressed here.

You can check it here :

Actions #6

Updated by Andreas Baumgärtner almost 5 years ago

hi,might have a similar topic at hand but could not easily releate activity type to redmine ui terms

  • [trackers] can be defined per project
  • [issue statuses] can be defined per project through workflows
  • [enumerations] / Activities (time tracking) can be defined per project (internally a global list, but selectable values per project on respective project settings tab / time tracking) - it's not the best solution but doable

maybe this helps ...

screenshot activities (time tracking) from v4.1.0

Actions #7

Updated by Stefaan Ellebaut almost 5 years ago

Thanks, but

internally a global list

this is the big issue for us. It would become an insane long list, unmanageable in the end.

Actions #8

Updated by Josh Nijenhuis over 4 years ago

We just need a default in the Project->Setting->Time Tracking:Default value column like there is in the Enumerations...

looks like db is already set up for it...

currently it looks like when disabling activity on project it inserts record for that activity and references the project_id field...
so its half way there?

so maybe just insert record similar to active for is_default per project


# id, name, position, is_default, type, active, project_id, parent_id, position_name
'46', 'Development', '7', '1', 'TimeEntryActivity', '1', '46', '9', NULL


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