Feature #3505
openRisk Management
A cool feature would be a simple risk management app for projects.
You could specify facts and relate them to risks. Example:
Risk: Budget exceeded
Facts: Need for tools is unknown, Need for lots of travels, etc
And then you would point out the impact and the probability (from 0 to 10) of that happening, and the system would calculate a risk factor based on that info.
Updated by Eric Davis over 15 years ago
I think this would work best as an external plugin. The plugin API should give you everything that is needed to integrate into Redmine's database and Projects.
Updated by Daniel Neis Araujo over 15 years ago
i am developing a plugin to do risks management.
You could see the code at http://github.com/danielneis/Redmine-Risks-Management/tree/master/vendor/plugins/redmine_risks/
I have uploaded a full version of redmine because i have altered the app/models/enumeration.rb to add enumerations for risk status and reponse strategies. i know it is not the best way to do so i have posted at plugins forum http://www.redmine.org/boards/3/topics/9069 and will correct the code as soon as i get a response.
Hope you like.
Any comments and help are welcome.
Updated by nicolas bertet over 15 years ago
Isotrol RiskMNGT Redmine Plugin manage the concepts of risk, incident, impact, probability, exposure level, mitigation strategy, contingency strategy, historic database according to the OpenUP and CMMi metodology.
It is a beta version.
You can download it here:
Updated by Anonymous about 14 years ago
Unfortunately, the risk management plugin doesn't work in Redmine 1.1.0. Since the latest news in the plugin was announced more than 400 days ago, it is reasonable to develop completely new risk management plugin with the same philosophy.