Defect #3681
closedEmail issue creation has wrong Tracker and Priority
Issue creation by email happens, but Tracker and Priority are set to values different from those specified by email. A (custom) tracker was INSERTed rather than the tracker desired.
Debian, 'lenny' (stable)
redmine 0.8-stable, R2824
rails 2.1.2
rubygems 1.3.4
Production log entry suggests correct parsing of email (portions obfuscated intentionally):
Processing MailHandlerController#index (for at 2009-07-25 14:55:29) [POST]
Session ID: 768360bac6062204aa9b8e991b67850a
Parameters: {"action"=>"index", "allow_override"=>"", "controller"=>"mail_handler", "key"=>"CfgYKSHTEJTAzMz3mj11", "email"=>"From Sat Jul 25 15:30:59 2009\nDate: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 15:30:59 -0700\nFrom:\nTo: cccc\nSubject: test200907251\n\nthere is a real bug somewhere in redmine\n\nProject: zztest\nTracker: Bug\nPriority: Urgent\nStatus: New\n"}
Completed in 0.14746 (6 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.00027 (0%) | DB: 0.03264 (22%) | 201 Created []
Mysql Logs suggest that the tracker id is getting SELECTED incorrectly:
SELECT `trackers`.id FROM `trackers` INNER JOIN `projects_trackers` ON `trackers`.id = `projects_trackers`.tracker_id WHERE (`trackers`.`id` = 4) AND (`projects_trackers`.project_id = 8 ) ORDER BY trackers.position LIMIT 1;
in this case, should be 1 not 4
Somehow, also, priority_id is set to 'Normal' rather than 'Urgent' but i've not been able to discover where that is being selected.
Updated by S Banerian over 15 years ago
steps to reproduce:
(1) installed system: debian, lenny 5.0.2
(2) redmine version as given previously
(3) email-to-redmine gateway worked 'as advertised'
(4) added a new tracker, set it as default
(5) all new issues sent by email are set to the default
(6) add a different tracker, set that as default
(7) any new issue now being added as this new default tracker regardless of email contents.
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 15 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Invalid
You need to allow override for that.
Override is not allowed in your exemple:
Parameters: {"action"=>"index", "allow_override"=>"", ...
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 15 years ago
- Category changed from Email notifications to Email receiving