



Feature #3990


Provide basic metadata in issue atom feed even when there are no changes

Added by Paul Hinze over 15 years ago. Updated over 15 years ago.

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Currently if you view the Atom feed for an issue that is newly created, you will get a blank feed with no entries. This is confusing, since one would expect at least some basic information about the issue to show up in this feed.

(Disclaimer: I use Redmine and RoR every day but I'm pretty new to the internals of this project, so please correct me if I get something wrong below.)

The technical reason this is happening in because IssuesController#show for format.atom chains off to IssuesController#changes, which lists all Journal entries for the issue. Issue creation does not generate a Journal entry, so any new issue results in a blank Atom feed.

There are a couple of different ways to approach this problem.

  • (A) Investigate the generation of Journal entries on new issue creation
    • This would be a major change to a data type in the system with wide-reaching effects
    • Known side effects off the bat: activity filter would show duplicate entries, two notification emails would be sent (and probably many more)
    • Would need to generate records for existing issues and/or handle issues without creation journal entries
    • However, it might make the overall system more consistent, which is why it's worth investigating
  • (B) Detect the case where IssuesController#changes is displaying a feed for a specific issue and inject an entry to the Atom feed representing creation
  • (C) Figure out how to use the additional fields available to us in the Atom schema to publish enough issue metadata to make a feed without entries still useful.

I'm going to try and find some time to write a patch for this and I will post updates as I explore the different options.

Related issues

Is duplicate of Redmine - Feature #3991: Provide basic metadata in issue atom feed even when there are no changesNew2009-10-07

Actions #1

Updated by Eric Davis over 15 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Assignee deleted (Eric Davis)
  • Resolution set to Duplicate

Was submitted twice, removing as requested by author.


Also available in: Atom PDF