



Patch #4071


Accept more input when replying to a ticket using e-mail

Added by Oxan - over 15 years ago. Updated over 14 years ago.

Email receiving
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


Currently, you can only set the status field when you reply at a ticket using e-mail. This patch adds the possibility to change the priority, category, tracker, target version, done ratio, project and custom fields, with respecting the allow_override setting.

You can delete the target version field with setting it to 'none'. The target version is named Target and the done ratio is named Done.

Example mail:

Here your comment

Target: 0.9
Done: 50
Tracker: Defect
Priority: Low

Diff is made against 0.8.6, but should work for trunk too.


mailer.patch (2.32 KB) mailer.patch Oxan -, 2009-10-21 16:18
mailpatch-trunk.patch (2.47 KB) mailpatch-trunk.patch Oxan -, 2009-10-27 20:30
Actions #1

Updated by Eric Davis over 15 years ago

Some of these have already been implemented in trunk so the patch will fail to apply. If someone can clean up this patch for trunk and add some unit tests, I can apply it (see test/unit/mail_handler_test.rb for examples).

Actions #2

Updated by Oxan - over 15 years ago

Eric Davis wrote:

Some of these have already been implemented in trunk so the patch will fail to apply. If someone can clean up this patch for trunk and add some unit tests, I can apply it (see test/unit/mail_handler_test.rb for examples).

The only difference between trunk and the 0.8 branch is that the function is renamed from receive_issue_update to receive_issue_reply. Anyway, I've created a working patch for trunk.

I will write tests later.

Actions #3

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 15 years ago

  • Category changed from Email notifications to Email receiving
Actions #4

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 14 years ago

All attributes can now be changed (r4394). But clearing attributes with 'none' is not yet implemented.


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