Defect #41076
openAssignee's permissions setting
I'm using Redmine 5.0.x
I have two users roles. One has the permission to edit all issues, while the other can only edit their own.
When the first user creates a new issue and assigns it to the second user as the manager, I want the second user to be able to edit the issue created by the first user.
I’ve set up the permissions in the workflow for the second user. When they are assigned as the manager, they should be able to change the status, content, and other settings of the issue. However, this setting doesn’t seem to be working.
What's the correct setting to make it work?
Updated by Cheng-Hui PENG 7 months ago
- File clipboard-202408011804-c6saq.png clipboard-202408011804-c6saq.png added
- File clipboard-202408011805-eocjj.png clipboard-202408011805-eocjj.png added
user2 settings:
if i don't enable 'Edit issues', i can't find user2's role in workflow. But if i enable 'Edit issues', user2 will be able to edit all issues even if the issue is not assigned to him.