



Feature #42139


[Suggestion] Add a link to re-send the QR code, either display on-site or to the email

Added by robert heiler about 1 month ago.

Accounts / authentication
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I finally purchased a tablet and managed to log into the ruby issue tracker.

Unfortunately I forgot to save the QR code, as I was unaware I needed it again. Now I am trying to log in again, after having set up my computer, and after logging in, the prompt just tells me to "re-submit the code". Well, I forgot the code - and I have no idea how to query my tablet to show the code (I tried these codes but the ruby issue tracker refused them all), and the ruby issue tracker also does not allow for a link to re-submit the QR so I can use my tablet again.

Thus, I would like to suggest that redmine gets an additional small feature, that is if we are prompted to submit or code, we also get an option to have the QR code sent to our registered email. That way I could log into my email account, use my tablet to scan it and then re-enter it (and this time note it down too; I was unaware I had to remember it).

As it presently is, even after having logged in once to the ruby tracker with the new MF2, I am still unable to resume being logged in at a later time again because I don't have my old QR code noted down. We have the ability to re-send the password and change it, so naturally the same logic and rationale should IMO apply to a QR code too.

Thanks for reading.

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