



Defect #4303


How to assign customer (or any custom fields) only to issue in selected project

Added by Marcin Nikt over 15 years ago. Updated over 15 years ago.

Custom fields
Target version:
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Hi All
We use Redmine 0.8.7. The problem is:
  • In my Redmine I added custom field - "cust". This is a list of my customers. It is setup not "For all project".
  • In Redmine I have one project: TTCustomer - it is special project only for my stuff. Each issue is connected with any customer - we use field "cust" in each issue.
  • I have some customers with access from outside our company. They have own projects in my Redmine. For example "abc", "cde" etc.
I need something like that:
  • on list of issue in each project (or only in TTCustomer) I need column "cust" and possibility of filtering and grouping (I know it is easy when I checked checbox "For all project" in definition of "cust")
  • my customer should not see that field or they can but only in their own projects (in that case there will be their name)
  • in new issiue in project "TTCustomer" there should be field "cust" with full list
  • in new issiue in other projects (or in project of my customers) there should not be that field or may be but with only with name of selected customer

It is possible at all ? Please help me.

Sorry for my bad english.

Best regards

Actions #1

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 15 years ago

Why a defect?

Actions #2

Updated by Marcin Nikt over 15 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Sorry it is not defect but it is hard to setup ;) Sorry, sorry.

Ok - I resolved this problem.

1. In project "TTCustimer" settings I added custom fields "cust"
2. Next in Issues I added filtr on field "cust"
3. In filter I unchecked "defult columns" and "cust" in filter definition
4. In Columns list I selected "cust" field and moved it to right side
5. I saved this filtr as "custcolumn"

And now I have "cust" column only in this project ;) So if I want to see "cust" column in list of issues I click "custcolumn" from custom queries and it works ;)

It is related to:

Thank you for redmine and sorry for "defect".

Actions #3

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 15 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed
  • Resolution set to Invalid

OK, thanks for the feedback.
Looks like you found a solution, so I close this ticket.


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