



Feature #4894


Mail handler in Redmine

Added by Jaroslav K. about 15 years ago. Updated almost 14 years ago.

Email receiving
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
2010-03-11 (over 14 years late)
% Done:


Estimated time:


Hello. First of all - thank you all for awesome product.
We are satisfied with it, but have one requirement. If someone cold resolve our problem - we could pay for additional modules or plugins. Also we can make donation, if these features cold be added to next release as default. I think, that this feature will be useful for many peoples. Furthermore - this addition let be for Redmine not only as project management system!

We wish use Redmine like CRM or Mailing list. It is almost good for that! We wish to connect it to mailbox and allow employers view mails (and reply) only via Redmine.

IMAP mail handler (redmine:email:receive_imap) works good, but:
  • using with option "unknown_user=accept" we do not see anywhere email of sender;
  • possibly we can use "unknown_user=create", but this is not good, as we wish send not all of replies outside - some of them are just for us (inside the company); furthermore, we use LDAP authentication, so tests for user creation fail; maybe we are doing something wrong.
  • only one found solution for mail sending to outside is redmine-ezsummary plugin, but it is not working with 0.9.2 stable (
So the solution could be:
  • "redmine:email:receive_imap unknown_user=accept": all like now, but somewhere field for saving authors email address. It is OK (maybe not so convenient) have mail in body of problem: " wrote: <message body>";
  • have functionality of sending of selected replay (comment) to outside (new button somewhere aside of "Quote" and "Edit"). After pressing this button - field for mail address appear.
  • after sending of email to outside, new comment for issue (telling about sending time and mail address) appears;
  • there must be several sending accounts (smtp) in Redmine (not only one like now) and in project settings we could chose (only administrator!), which SMTP account use for mail sending to outside.

Could it be done?
Thank you!

Actions #1

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 14 years ago

  • Category set to Email receiving

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