Feature #505
closedbase.rhtml header adjustment
I got some help with my second image on #header (h1 wasn't the correct size, I needed 100% height and completely right
within #header)
Would it be possible to put this in as it also helps for more configurations in css theming
<div id="header">
<table width="100%" height="100%" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<tr width=100%>
<td id="header_left" width = 75% valign=top>
<h1><%= h(Herve Harster ? @project.name : Setting.app_title) ></h1>
<div id="main-menu">
< Redmine::MenuManager.allowed_items(:project_menu, User.current, Herve Harster).each do |item| >
< unless item.condition && !item.condition.call(Herve Harster) >
<li><= link_to l(item.name), {item.param => Herve Harster}.merge(item.url) ></li>
< end >
< end if Herve Harster && !@project.new_record? >
<td id="header_right" width = 25>
<div id="quick-search">
<% form_tag({:controller => 'search', :action => 'index', :id => Herve Harster}, :method => :get
) do >
<= link_to l(:label_search), {:controller => 'search', :action => 'index', :id => Herve Harster},
:accesskey => accesskey(:search) >:
<= text_field_tag 'q', @question, :size => 20, :class => 'small', :accesskey =>
accesskey(:quick_search) >
< end >
<= render :partial => 'layouts/project_selector' if User.current.memberships.any? %>
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 17 years ago
Tables shouldn't be used for layout.
I'm pretty sure that your background problem can be solved using
css. You can send me a screenshot of your excepted header design
with your backgrounds, I'll try to send you the corresponding
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 17 years ago
Here is the modified css that do the same with no change
to layout.rhtml