Feature #5085
openRSS Feed to My Page
Is it possible to create an option under My Page to just read an RSS feed? I know that I can go to the specific query or page that is feeding the data, but I use the My Page a lot to get statues, quick references, and basically provide a bookmark into the system. Being able to read an RSS feed would put the data that I currently am going to the query to find, on the page.
Thank you.
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 15 years ago
What kind of RSS feed? From an external provider?
Updated by Curtis Stewart almost 15 years ago
I was just thinking of a custom query out of redmine, but the idea of incorporating an external provider is not bad.
I was originally thinking of the results of say a custom query like "All Issues in Development" or "Issues Due in 3 Days". Then when I go to My Page, I would see these issues. These may be poor examples, but the idea is to frame a custom query and display the contents instead of a link to the query.
The idea of an external feed, may allow incorporation of data from other systems, including some log trackers we have, that provide RSS feeds.