



Feature #5705


Display Issue Closed Date on Calendar View

Added by Shaytu Schwandes almost 15 years ago. Updated over 13 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
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The calendar view currently displays the following 3 statuses.

  1. task beginning this day
  2. task ending this day
  3. task beginning and ending this day

This works well for issues with planned due dates and for planning/looking forward. However, in my environment there are often no due dates. The calendar could be even more useful if issues closed dates were represented. I propose that this be done by displaying the issue as any other (issue number as a gray link with a line through it followed by the subject) but with one or more of the following additions.

  1. preceded by an "x" icon
  2. preceded by a down arrow icon
  3. have a gray background color
  4. include the icon and meaning in the legend

This would only need to be displayed when closed issues were included in the view.

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #6795: View issue close date on the gantt viewNew2010-11-02

Blocked by Redmine - Feature #824: Add "closed_on" issue field (storing time of last closing) & add it as a column and filter on the issue list.ClosedJean-Philippe Lang2008-03-10

Actions #1

Updated by Jonas De Meulenaere about 14 years ago

  • Category set to Calendar

What is your use case for which issue closed dates must be displayed?

Actions #2

Updated by Shaytu Schwandes about 14 years ago

In short, having this feature would allow you to see if an issues was closed before or after the due date telling you whether it was done early or late. And if you are referring to what happens when an issue is closed and opened and closed again, I'd use the most recent close date.

Actions #3

Updated by odile oudre almost 14 years ago

Shaytu Schwandes wrote:

In short, having this feature would allow you to see if an issues was closed before or after the due date telling you whether it was done early or late. And if you are referring to what happens when an issue is closed and opened and closed again, I'd use the most recent close date.

In fact, the date date is very important and it would be very nice to display it in the gant graph. To compare scheduled date (due date) and the release date (closed date)

Actions #4

Updated by Harry Garrood over 13 years ago

I agree, I think this feature would be really nice.


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