



Patch #6287


character corruption in exporting spent time

Added by Ryo SUETSUGU over 14 years ago. Updated over 11 years ago.

Time tracking
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UTF-8 encoding is missed for a 'Total' literal at TimelogHelper#report_to_csv.
Character corruption occurs on my environment (Japanese setting).


redmine100_timelog_report_to_csv.patch (575 Bytes) redmine100_timelog_report_to_csv.patch Ryo SUETSUGU, 2010-09-03 16:02
timelog_ru.csv (624 Bytes) timelog_ru.csv utf-8 Filou Centrinov, 2013-04-03 23:08
timelog_en.csv (466 Bytes) timelog_en.csv ansi (not uft-8) Filou Centrinov, 2013-04-03 23:08
timelog_ja.csv (518 Bytes) timelog_ja.csv ansi (not uft-8) Filou Centrinov, 2013-04-03 23:08

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Defect #11116: CSV export encoding problem when issues and interface languages are not equalClosed

Actions #1

Updated by Filou Centrinov over 11 years ago

It's still a bug in Redmine 2.3

Actions #2

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Needs feedback

Filou Centrinov wrote:

It's still a bug in Redmine 2.3

I've just checked 2.3 and it was fixed time ago in r7947 (#8549). Can you confirm?

Actions #3

Updated by Filou Centrinov over 11 years ago

No. I also just checked 2.3 (Revision 11698). CSV exports (issues or time entries) are always ANSI encoded, not UTF-8 encoded.

Ruby version              1.9.3 (i386-mingw32)
RubyGems version          2.0.2
Rack version              1.4
Rails version             3.2.13
Active Record version     3.2.13
Action Pack version       3.2.13
Active Resource version   3.2.13
Action Mailer version     3.2.13
Active Support version    3.2.13

Actions #4

Updated by Filou Centrinov over 11 years ago

I don't know if we talk about the same thing. I was speeking about the data in the cvs file (column header, issue name, time log comments, ...), including the 'Total' literal in the header from the csv export of time report. Independing from which csv export (issues/ time log details/ time log report) the encoding for japanese language profil is not utf-8 encoded.

I notice that, if my profil language is english or japanese the csv-export is not utf-8 encoded, but if my profil language is russian I receive an utf-8 encoded csv export. See timelog upload.

Actions #5

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs feedback to Closed

Filou Centrinov wrote:

I notice that, if my profil language is english or japanese the csv-export is not utf-8 encoded, but if my profil language is russian I receive an utf-8 encoded csv export. See timelog upload.

ru: UTF-8
en: ISO-8859-1
ja: CP932


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