Feature #6489
openEmail to project roles
Because I have some projects where I have some Testers who don't looking there everytime I would like to have an option when a new beta-version has finished to notify the role of the testers at this project.
For example by a simple form in the configuration (which is only viewable by the project administrators, or as a project module with a new permission setable to any role to allow sending mails to project roles) So Developers can send notifications to Testers or right before the release to the quality management.
Updated by Frank Helk over 14 years ago
I would appreciate a more generic function to send an email message to selected recipients (roles, project members, user groups, users, ...) without a corresponding ticket. Maybe separate forms depending on context (to selected project members or involved user groups in case of project context, to role(s)/user(s)/user group(s) in case of administration context, etc.).
That would allow i.e. notification on planned server outages, upgrades, or other events, without creating special project and tickets for that.
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 14 years ago
- Category set to Email notifications