



Feature #706


Users could have multiple roles

Added by Anonymous almost 17 years ago. Updated almost 16 years ago.

Permissions and roles
Target version:
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The simple 1 user = 1 role is fine for basic deployments, but to enable more advanced issue workflows, it would be helpful to be able to associate more than one role with a user.
For example, we could define the following roles:
  • Issue reporter (the user who raised the issue)
  • Triager
  • Developer
  • Reviewer
  • Tester
  • Manager
    Most of these roles do not overlap (although the Manager role is clearly more privileged than the others). However, in an Agile environment, the Developer is also a Reviewer (for another Developer's issues), and may also be a Tester (for another Developer's issues or for their own).

So, in that case the "developer" user needs to have the Developer, Reviewer and Tester roles. The "team leader" user would likely be a Developer, but also a Triager, a Reviewer and a Tester.

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #3383: one user in various roles for the same projectClosed2009-05-18

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #4350: Multiple roles per user per projectClosed2009-12-06

Precedes Redmine - Feature #1018: Group or company feature.ClosedJean-Philippe Lang2008-04-08

Actions #1

Updated by YA Chris almost 17 years ago

We'd like this functionality too... we're seeing the same situation. Thanks!

Actions #2

Updated by Horst Schwarz over 16 years ago

This feature would be very needful to us (NSN) since our project members are often in multiple roles. Thanks in advance!

Actions #3

Updated by James Robertson about 16 years ago

Another vote for this feature :-)

At the moment we have to use combined roles like 'Developer-Tester' which makes workflow management quite complex/time-consuming (ie. tracker-types x statii x roles!)

Actions #4

Updated by J Cayetano Delgado about 16 years ago


Actions #5

Updated by Denis Anokhin about 16 years ago

Yet another vote for this very usefull feature! We need this very much!

Actions #6

Updated by Jens Berlips about 16 years ago

+1, currently we create roles such as "Project mgr and Key account mgr" instead of assigning two roles.

Actions #7

Updated by Maciej Greń almost 16 years ago

  • Assignee set to Jean-Philippe Lang

+1, we really need that feature.
First of all, thanks for the great work! Redmine is for sure the best Project Management Environment I had used. Currently we have around 50 projects, we are working using SCRUM, therefore some of the people are at the same moment SCRUM Master, Project Manager etc.
Is it planned to deliver multiple roles feature in upcoming versions?

Actions #8

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 16 years ago

  • Category changed from Issues to Permissions and roles
  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Target version set to 0.9.0
  • Resolution set to Fixed

Feature added in r2726.

Actions #9

Updated by James Robertson almost 16 years ago

Awesome. Thanks :-)


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