Feature #7319
openRepetitive tasks ?
The issue just came up to me, while I was doing some work that comes up every quarter.
I have some tasks coming up endless cycling, i.e. the preparation of mothly/quartery/yearly reports.
I would appreciate
- a type of tracker that goes back to some "open" state (preferably "assigned") on predefined intervals, or
- some kind of facility that spawns a new ticket at those predefined intervals
The definiton part could be an extension to the "new ticket" form, i.e.
[ ] Resurrect ticket every [<num>] [days/weeks/months/years], beginning on [date], to status [...].
[ ] Repeat ticket creation every [<num>] [days/weeks/months/years], beginning on [date].
There should be a special permission to make tickets repetitive, and management could be done on the standard ticket edit form.
Related issues
Updated by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago
Updated by Frank Helk about 13 years ago
Updated by Dotan Cohen over 11 years ago
Please make clear how this issue differs from #1176. Thanks.
Updated by Frank Helk over 11 years ago
OK - I've read again over this ticket and #1176 along with the comments and contemplated over 'em.
The requested features look similar, and I admit that they basically propose the same thing. I presume that if the feature gets implemented in a way like I've outlined it detailed in #1176#note-46, it will probably fit both requests good enough to satisfy both.
Updated by Frank Helk over 9 years ago
Any news on that ?
I'm still in need for that ...