Feature #7344
openEnabling "Watch" by default for a forum in project configuration
Forums capability is a usefull feature but only if project members are watching them.
In our company, I created forums in a Knowledge Base oriented project and I would like project members receive a notification each time a post is added without asking them to "subscribe" (click on watch button) on each forum.
It should be interresting if, in project configuration on the forums tab, we could enable subscription by default for all members (and leaving the capability to users to unsuscribe by clicking on the "watch" button)
What do you think ? Thx for your help.
Updated by Alexandre VIAL-BOUKOBZA about 14 years ago
An other way should be: Adding an option in the Administration/Settings/Email Notifications tab like "New forum Post" below "Select actions for which email notifications should be sent."
(It should be easier and faster to implement)
Updated by Axel Müller almost 14 years ago
I like the suggestion of Alexandre. Otherwise there is no way of getting notified if you are interested in new forum post but don't want to get notified for any issue being created.
Updated by Alexandre VIAL-BOUKOBZA almost 13 years ago
Quite an old request but still needed :)
Updated by Gabriel Provencher over 12 years ago
I concur.
This is annoying when you need to make sure people are notified on new forums discussion.