Feature #741
closedDescription preview while editing an issue
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Currently, the user can preview description/notes by clicking "Preview" at the bottom of the page. I think that there are two problems with this functionality.
- The label "Preview" is too general... I expected to be previewing the whole ticket, not just the description.
- The preview is displayed at a relative distance to the actual content.
How about trying one of these:
- Display a full ticket preview.
- Place the Preview link directly under the description, and also have the preview display there too.
- Rename "Preview" to "Description Preview"
Related issues
Updated by Phil Hord over 15 years ago
As mentioned in #2094, the preview is also missing any updates to the original description field.
I think the preview is intended to be used for verifying the wiki-text formatting. I think that is why the notes are the only thing shown in the preview window. However, the Description text should have its own preview "button" if this is the case.
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 15 years ago
- Subject changed from issues: description/note previews to Description preview while editing an issue
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Target version set to 1.0.0 (RC)
- Resolution set to Fixed
As of r3623, description will be previewed if it was edited.
IMHO, previewing issue attributes doesn't make much sense so I close this ticket.