



Feature #7551


Moderated forums, posting approval

Added by Victor Costache about 14 years ago. Updated almost 8 years ago.

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In order to have a better control on what users post on a forum it should be an option to create moderated forums and even to assign a dedicated moderator (one of the project's members). If the forum is created as "moderated", the managers or those who have the role "moderator" set will be the default moderators.

The moderator will be noticed about the new posts and he will decide whether a specific post is approved or rejected. Before approving a post he will be able to edit the content of the message.

This functionality would be also useful on the issues updates (especially for notes).

Actions #1

Updated by Guillaume Chéramy over 13 years ago

Good idea

Someone's works on this ?


Actions #2

Updated by Allyson Katch almost 13 years ago

+1 for the ability to moderate Issue updates.

Actions #3

Updated by Jean-Claude Wippler almost 8 years ago


I manage a Redmine forum setup with over 1200 members now, where spamming is a real concern. The way we have been dealing with it, is that newly registered users end up without any posting rights until they contact us and we add them to the "Registered" group (there's also a small domain-specific puzzle people have to answer correctly to register in the first place).

This is not optimal. since every new visitor has to figure out these ad-hoc rules I just described, then ask for posting permissions via email, then wait for one of us to actually add them to the Registered group, and only then can they start participating on the forums.

An automatic mechanism could make this simpler, even if it still includes a delay: once registered, your first N posts, or perhaps your posts in the first N days, would be moderated, i.e. placed on hold and emailed to a set of maintainers. It is then up to a maintainer to accept/reject the post (or lock you out completely), or to add you to any group, which then automatically changes your posting rights to whatever Redmine's standard settings are.

There are probably quite a few tricky details in getting something like this working, but from a new user's (and maintainer's) point of view, I think that such a feature could help a lot to streamline discussion forums.


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