



Defect #83


Cannot go back to issue after logging my time

Added by Jack Dan over 17 years ago. Updated over 17 years ago.

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From an issue, I can click on 'Log time' to log my time spent on this issue.

However, after having added my hours, I am presented with a list of all the loggued time for this issue.

Unfortunately I cannot find a way to easily go back to the issue I was viewing (adding time to).

In the timelog/details?issue_id=XX page I assume that the Issue column should link me back to my issue...unfortunately
that link brings me back to the same timelog page.

I'm not sure if this is the desired behavior, but I would much rather have a link to go back to the issue I was originally
looking at.



linkback.png (14.6 KB) linkback.png Jack Dan, 2008-02-03 10:50
redmine_logtime.jpg (59.5 KB) redmine_logtime.jpg Jack Dan, 2008-02-03 10:50
Actions #1

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 17 years ago

I've just committed a fix (rev 599).
The issue link in the subtitle now links back to the issue (see

Is it OK for you ?

Actions #2

Updated by Jack Dan over 17 years ago

Seems I forgot to attach the file...

Actions #3

Updated by Jack Dan over 17 years ago

Thanks for the very quick fix. Yes that is much better...

But from a usability point of view, wouldn't it be even
better if the link was the issue column? Like that you
could visualize all the loggued time in a given project, and
goto any issue that interests you. And like that it would
stay consistent weither your looking at the log time for a
particular issue or the entire project.

I attached a picture of what I'm trying to say.



Actions #4

Updated by Jack Dan over 17 years ago

Sorry...taking me awhile to figure out how to upload a file...


Actions #5

Updated by Derek Montgomery over 17 years ago

Would be nice indeed.

Actions #6

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 17 years ago

Expected behaviour was implemented in r794.


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