Defect #8360
openTask Relation "Follows" doesn't work as expected when there are gaps
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
Affected version:
- your database version: MySQL 14.12
- your Ruby version: Ruby 1.8.7 (i386-mingw32)
- your Rails version: Rails 2.3.5
- your Redmine version: 1.1.2 Stable
Create Task 1 with due date today + 1
Create Task 2 with start date today + 2
Add relation Task 2 follows Task 1. Now change start date of Task 2 to be today + 5 (pushed to the right). Redmine will allow the tasks to be "decoupled". Now change the due date of Task 1 to today + 2. Redmine will automatically move Task 1 to butt up against Task 1 again. It seems like if a user manually adjusts a task with a dependency to a different date, Redmine should honor that and only adjust it if a predecessor extends out past the start date.