Patch #962
closedHebrew translation and RTL Layout
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An updated Hebrew translation with most of the phrases added since 0.5.
Experimental CSS variations for RTL layout.
Known bugs:- Most Next/Back buttons are not aligned correctly because they are not controlled with CSS.
- Gnat has bad display problems. (most of his style is hard coded and not in CSS)
- Works with Firefox 3.0b4, konqueror 3.5.8+, Safari 3
- Works almost perfectly in Opera 9
- Does not work with Firefox 2, ie6, ie7 due to poor support of rtl
- There should be some mechanism for changing CSS based on the language chosen. Currently you have to swap the files.
I could try and fix it to work with ff2 and ie but it would take enormous amounts of CSS hacking to get some sort of result and would probably break other (aka Standard compliant) browsers.
And with ff3 almost out in the open and IE8 breaking everything IE6 and IE7 know to digest (and lack of a windows box) I don't find it all that important to support them.
But if someone wants to achieve this feat be my guest.
Related issues
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 17 years ago
Translation committed in r1331. Maybe the RTL layout could be added as an additional theme.
Updated by Azamat Hackimov over 16 years ago
- Category changed from Translations to UI
Updated by Ficoos Bangaly about 16 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
I've submitted new issues with better solutions.
Updated by Azamat Hackimov over 14 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
RTL-layout commited in #6012