


Defect #11376

Updated by Etienne Massip over 12 years ago

Since upgrade to 2.x and keeping the SMTP settings untouched (using @:async_smtp@ delivery method), mails are simply not received anymore. 

 After digging around, it seems that the settings never make their way to the @Net::SMTP@ instance and that mail is attempted to be sent with default options (to @localhost:25@ with no auth). 

 According to "RoR "Ror 3.2.6 code":, settings are supposed to be fetched from mailer model using a method-specific @async_smtp_settings@ getter. 

 And indeed, adding the following lines in source:/tags/2.0.3/app/models/mailer.rb is enough to have the notifications sent back again: 
 <pre><code class="ruby"> 
 class << self 
   alias_attribute :async_smtp_settings, :smtp_settings 
   alias_attribute :async_sendmail_settings, :sendmail_settings 

 Aside note: there is no error in log even at development level, why is that? 
