


Feature #13775

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 11 years ago

Redmine REdmine has a feature that when you add a ticket as a subtask the parent task automatically aggregates a number of values from the children. Once area which this dosen't dosent work well for all the time is the estimation field. For example when our devs are issued new features or components they generally break them down into subtasks. However once they add the first sub-task the estimate on the parent is erased making it difficult for us to track the spent vs estimates for the parent. 

 We have tried to work around this by: 

 * Automatically adding a new subtask when creating the feature ticket that contains all estimated time. This however throws off the status of the parent ticket which ends up being having a heavily weight % complete. 
 * Breaking down the feature as best as possible at beginning of project. This can be impossible sometime until other features or components are completed. 

 We would like a feature that allows for enabling/disabling this functionality on a parent ticket. We are pretty sure it still exists in the database and the feature would work by simply displaying the parent estimated value when all its children's values are null.  

 We are currently running a standard Redmine 2.3.x version.
