Feature #16093
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 10 years ago
While starting to use Redmine a lot more, we're running into the issue that all the emails come from a single email address, and they all look the same. This is, in a way, exactly as it should be - but it makes it hard to create rules for filtering and organizing organising such notifications. It would be nice to have haev some hint about who generated the email. I see that GitHub does the same, but with one clever refinement: the email _address_ is the same, but the person's name specified with that address is the name of the originator. Would it be possible to implement this idea in Redmine? One option I can think of is that some special characters in the email field set in the admin pages get replaced when creating a new email. In our case, that would be the username of the person causing the email to be generated: issue creator, wiki editor, forum poster, etc. The resulting email would still appear to come from a single email address, but email apps can then show _who_ in the Redmine setup generated the message. So if the *Emission email address* field on the Email notifications page is set to say "@<<me>> <redmine@example.com>@", then this issue would have generated an issue with as sender "@jcw <redmine@example.com>@". Just enough extra detail for receivers of the email to see who it's really from, even though Redmine generated it.