


Defect #20551

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 9 years ago

On trunk r14506: 

 h2. 1. label_coma_char 

 Introduced by r14494 (#950): 

 ./config/locales/en.yml-963-    label_fields_separator: Field separator 
 ./config/locales/en.yml-964-    label_fields_wrapper: Field wrapper 
 ./config/locales/en.yml-965-    label_encoding: Encoding 
 ./config/locales/en.yml:966:    label_coma_char: Coma 
 ./config/locales/en.yml-967-    label_semi_colon_char: Semi colon 
 ./config/locales/en.yml-968-    label_quote_char: Quote 
 ./config/locales/en.yml-969-    label_double_quote_char: Double quote 

 h2. 2. :lastname_coma_firstname 

 ./app/models/user.rb-47-          :order => %w(lastname firstname id), 
 ./app/models/user.rb-48-          :setting_order => 4 
 ./app/models/user.rb-49-        }, 
 ./app/models/user.rb:50:      :lastname_coma_firstname => { 
 ./app/models/user.rb-51-          :string => '#{lastname}, #{firstname}', 
 ./app/models/user.rb-52-          :order => %w(lastname firstname id), 
 ./app/models/user.rb-53-          :setting_order => 5 

 h2. 3. h3. lib/redmine/wiki_formatting/macros.rb 

 ./lib/redmine/wiki_formatting/macros.rb-92-          #     invoked without a block of text.   
 ./lib/redmine/wiki_formatting/macros.rb-93-          # 
 ./lib/redmine/wiki_formatting/macros.rb-94-          # Examples: 
 ./lib/redmine/wiki_formatting/macros.rb:95:          # By default, when the macro is invoked, the coma separated list of arguments 
 ./lib/redmine/wiki_formatting/macros.rb-96-          # is split and passed to the macro block as an array. If no argument is given 
 ./lib/redmine/wiki_formatting/macros.rb-97-          # the macro will be invoked with an empty array: 
 ./lib/redmine/wiki_formatting/macros.rb-98-          # 
