


Defect #17835

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 8 years ago

At times, when an Issue is updated and the Issue Properties (e.g. Priority, % Done, etc.) are changed then submitted, a following update will revert those changes. I have been able to replicate it only a handful of times. When I am able to replicate it, I can see the Issue Properties set to the old value and refreshing the page does not update them. It is only when I back out of the page then return to that issue it updates properly. 

 I suspect a browser/cache issue but I am uncertain of what changes to adjust that will play nicely with Redmine to avoid this. Has anyone else experienced this issues?  

 My environment details is below: 

   Redmine version                  2.5.2.stable 
   Ruby version                     2.0.0-p353 (2013-11-22) [x86_64-linux] 
   Rails version                    3.2.19 
   Environment                      production 
   Database adapter                 Mysql2 
   Subversion                       1.8.10 
 Redmine plugins: 
   AgileDwarf                       0.0.3 
   issue_repo_history_merge         0.0.2 
   redmine_auto_watch               1.0.0 
   redmine_banner                   0.0.9 
   redmine_issue_checklist          2.0.5 
   redmine_issue_templates          0.0.5 
   redmine_landing_page             0.1.0 
   redmine_pdf_export_backports     0.0.1 
   redmine_reminder                 0.4 
   redmine_wiki_extensions          0.6.4 
   redmine_wiki_sql                 0.0.1 
