


Feature #23728

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 8 years ago


 i use redmine in IT projects several years (really happy with it). More and more it is important to envelope costs in projects for us. 

 It would be great to have possibility for estimate costs and compare them to the real used money. 
 Things should behave like time management in redmine: 

 * estimate costs per ticket 
 * document real costs per ticket update 
 * things from subtickets get accumulated cummulated in primary ticket 
 * things get accumulated cummulated for project 

 This could be easily achieved using custom fields for "time"-entry. But as far as i see, there is currently no option for custom time-fields to behave like the time itself (accumulate (cummulate and so on). 

 Is it possible to extend the custom time-fields to behave like the "time"-field itself? I think this could be useful for more than estimating costs.  

 Any other ideas?:-)
