


Feature #23980

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 8 years ago

Icon fonts have some advantages over the classical images: 
 - being vector graphics, they are scalable an can be resized without losing quality. 
 - can be customized directly from CSS (size, colour, etc) 
 - less HTTP requests to server because they are loaded only with one or a few requests. Now, Redmine make a request for each image. 
 - some of the current custom themes already use icon fonts (Abacus theme, Minelab, PurpleMine2, our custom theme and I think the theme from 

 We're interested to contribute with a patch that implements the FontAwesome icons, but because there are at least two ways to implement them, we want some feedback before from Redmine contributors and/or users. 

 1. *Using i tags*:  

 * Is the recommended way on their "official page":  
 * We can use all the build-in rules available in the FontAwesome CSS. 

 * it'll be required to add the i elements in views. 

 2. *Only from css* 

 * the views will not be modified 


 * The build-in rules must be reimplemented in the current    CSS 
 * The icons will be defined using their unicode. For example, the fa-pencil icon (similar with the current images for icon-edit) has the unicode f040. 

 Only for demo purposes, I've attached a patch that replaces the icons from issue page with font awesome icons (using i tags).
