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Plugins Directory » All plugins (1163)


Simple plugin that adds IP to the issue table.

It stays in database, doesn't display on view.

By Aleksandar Pavic


Issue and repository history merge

This plugin merges revisions which normally would appear beside issue comments into the issue history in chronological order. This improves the view on revisions in the context of an issue.

Additionally there is a checkbox on the right side with whi...

By Kevin Neuenfeldt


Issue assign notice plugin

It is a plugin of Redmine that notifies Slack, Rocket.Chat, Teams, Google Chat, Mattermost, etc. that the issue assignee changed.

For details and how ...

By Hirokazu Onozato


Issue Badge

Plugin to show the number of ...

By Akiko Takano


Issue Changesets View Link Github

This plugin changes Changesets view (list of revisions) in the issue view to link to GitHub instead of repository browser.

By Ippei Ukai


Issue Charts

This plugin provides the capability to create simple charts and graphs for your issues using Chartkick ( Create issue visualizations based on standard fields as well as custom fields!

By Mike Sweetman


Issue cloner

Redmine plugin that clone issues at the start of month and postpone issues dates

By Evgenii Semenchuk


Issue Closed Date

A plugin that records the end date, allowing to filter by this date, and include it on issues list

By Matheus Ashton Silva


Issue Done Ratio Plugin

This plugin allows to configure a certain “Done Ratio” for some Issue statuses, while keeping the ability to manually set it.

It therefore implements what is asked for in #6975 (the "Issue Done Ratio Both" plugin mentioned there does not seem to exi...

By Jens Krämer


Issue favicon plugin

Plugin to show the number of assigned issues on favicon with badge, using favico.js.

By Akiko Takano

