



From 2024-04-14 to 2024-04-17


21:38 Plugins: Internal error in onlyoffice_redmine 3.1.0 plugin
I am trying to test OnlyOffice integration with Redmine.
Ubuntu 22.04, redmine 5.1.2, ruby 3.1.2, rails
Alexander Zhuravlev
21:31 Plugins: Plugin for charts and dashboards open source BI, like Apache Superset
I am looking for a plugin for Redmine 5.x to securely embed charts and dashboards from some popular open sourc...
Alexander Zhuravlev


11:31 Help: Requesting everyone's help regarding the Redmine component
The dropdown component has a bug.
The specific situation is to click the dropdown button, and the content inside the...
qiao sheng
00:40 Open discussion: RE: An error occurred while sending the mail (SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=error: unexpected eof while reading)
I have this gems:
ruby '>= 2.7.0', '< 3.3.0'
gem 'rails', ''
gem 'rouge', '~> 4.2.0'
gem 'request_store'...
Adalid Gomez Mojica
00:10 Open discussion: An error occurred while sending the mail (SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=error: unexpected eof while reading)
My service to SMTP dont work,
add to my configuration.yml (/var/www/redmine-5.1.0/config/configuration.yml)
Adalid Gomez Mojica


22:26 Help: RE: Visibility of projects in issues
I think I saw this issue once in one of the issues.
But I went through the subtasks on my current instance and when...
Dennis Yaskevich
22:03 Open discussion: RE: Collecting letters, creating tasks
I think he was mean "emails". Letter - it can be translated to Russian as "message writed on paper" :) qawsed Q

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