



From 2024-08-19 to 2024-08-22


14:52 Plugins: RE: Contact Plugin: Cannot edit notes
Hello. Check your permissions for "Contacts": "Delete own notes" if you want to edit or delete your own notes. Ivan Ivanov
14:25 Plugins: Contact Plugin: Cannot edit notes
When adding a note and saving it, it cannot bed modified later.
I'm missing an "edit" button.
The path is: https://...
Ondics Marketeer


14:23 Open discussion: Need dokumentation for Redmine client for Rust
I'm developing at the moment an async Rust client for the Redmine REST-API I found already the documentation for the ... Mathias Lüer


13:04 Plugins: Modify user list in assign user field
I'm writing a plugin in Redmine and want to add the number of points to the list of users available to select in the ... Jurek Burek
05:39 Help: Can the Redmine Wiki handle pages with the same name as children of different pages
I have two links on my main wiki page. They are A and B and each of these links/pages A and B, have an Intro page.
Mircea Ion
05:14 Help: Rewriting redmine tests because of plugins
I have a redmine 5.0.7 version with many plugins, which often monkey patch redmine core logic. I want to run redmine ... Egor Bolotov

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