



From 2024-08-20 to 2024-08-23


18:15 Help: Workflow field perssions do not display Required
I have requirement to set a number standard fields to required for a tracker and only get option to set read only?
Tim Craig
16:34 Plugins: ERPmine v4.7.4 Released

ERPmine v4.7.4 Minor Version Released
We are happy to announce the release of ERPmine plugin version 4.7.4(Min...
Dhana Lakshmi
15:52 Help: Watchers/Observer - Outside project teams - View issue + notified
Dear community,
I would like to have Watchers/Observer outside project teams to be able to see the content of an i...
Daniel Besnard
12:41 Development: Restriction on ticket deletion
Hi Team,
Is there a way to prevent ticket deletion in Production, even with the admin access.


14:52 Plugins: RE: Contact Plugin: Cannot edit notes
Hello. Check your permissions for "Contacts": "Delete own notes" if you want to edit or delete your own notes. Ivan Ivanov
14:25 Plugins: Contact Plugin: Cannot edit notes
When adding a note and saving it, it cannot bed modified later.
I'm missing an "edit" button.
The path is: https://...
Ondics Marketeer


14:23 Open discussion: Need dokumentation for Redmine client for Rust
I'm developing at the moment an async Rust client for the Redmine REST-API I found already the documentation for the ... Mathias Lüer

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