



Results (2491)

Revision 12927 (svn): prevent issue tree hierarchy is broken in race conditions (#6579)
awesome_nested_set 2.1.6 uses lock. Issue model uses as same way. 2014-02-25 07:54
Revision 12925 (svn): prevent issue tree hierarchy is broken in race conditions (#6579)
awesome_nested_set 2.1.6 uses lock. Issue model uses as same way. 2014-02-25 07:49
Revision 12918 (svn): explicitly set encoding UTF-8 (#16107)
Default Ruby source file encoding changed in Ruby 2.0.0. 2014-02-22 16:55
Revision 12913 (svn): Prevent N queries on custom_fields when call /issues API.
2014-02-22 12:23
Revision 12912 (svn): Preload authors for /issues API calls.
2014-02-22 12:22
Revision 12911 (svn): Preload issue authors when displayed on the issue list (#16091).
2014-02-22 12:21
Revision 12910 (svn): Preload issue relations when exporting issues to CSV with all columns (#16091).
2014-02-22 12:19
Revision 12894 (svn): Always preload issues custom values (#16091).
2014-02-15 09:59
Revision 12879 (svn): Rails4: fix PreviewsControllerTest assert_template failures
<pre> 1) Failure: PreviewsControllerTest#test_preview_issue_notes [test/functional/previews_controller_t ... g <"preview"> but rendering with <["previews/issue"]> </pre> 2014-02-13 09:17
Revision 12875 (svn): allow jruby test failure on travis
SCM tests fail randomly due to IO.popen(). See: 2014-02-12 00:54
Revision 12872 (svn): Rails4: replace hard-coded html with class at IssuesHelperTest
See r12784 comment. 2014-02-11 08:27
Revision 12844 (svn): fix wrong issue 'assigned-to-my-group' css class (#16038)
2014-02-06 13:16
Revision 12842 (svn): use escaped "Can't" constant at IssuesHelperTest
2014-02-06 05:45
Revision 12841 (svn): Rails4: replace ActionV ... per#truncate by String#truncate at app/views/issues/_list_simple.html.erb
2014-02-06 04:36
Revision 12836 (svn): Rails4: replace ActionV ... String#truncate at app/views/auto_completes/issues.html.erb
2014-02-06 04:35
Revision 12831 (svn): Rails4: replace ActionV ... String#truncate at ApplicationHelper#link_to_issue
2014-02-06 04:33
Revision 12829 (svn): add tests of ApplicationHelper#link_to_issue subject and title
2014-02-06 03:38
Revision 12818 (svn): code format clean up app/views/issues/_list_simple.html.erb
2014-02-05 09:55
Revision 12815 (svn): remove unneeded h() from app/views/issues/_list_simple.html.erb
2014-02-05 09:54
Revision 12808 (svn): code format clean up ApplicationHelper#link_to_issue
2014-02-05 04:24
Revision 12805 (svn): use escaped "Can't" constant at IssueStatusesControllerTest
2014-02-05 00:52
Revision 12804 (svn): use escaped "can't" constant at IssueStatusesControllerTest
2014-02-05 00:52
Revision 12799 (svn): Rails4: use "assert_tem ... /time_entries'" at ContextMenusControllerTest
This asserting does not fail, but use same logic with "assert_template 'context_menus/issues'" 2014-02-05 00:51
Revision 12791 (svn): Rails4: fix "assert_template 'form'" fails at IssuesControllerTest
2014-02-04 11:07
Revision 12786 (svn): replace shoulda context "with workflow privilege" at IssuesControllerTest
2014-02-04 08:50