



Results (2491)

Revision 4078 (svn): Added a "Member of Role" to the issues filters. #5869
This filter will check an issue's assigned to field for users who have (or don't have) a specific Role(s). 2010-09-10 21:44
Revision 4077 (svn): Added a "Member of Group" to the issues filter. #5869
This filter will check an issue's assigned to field for users in (or not in) specific groups. 2010-09-10 20:46
Revision 4072 (svn): Rewrite the Gantt chart. #6276
This version of the Gantt chart supports nested charts. So Projects, Versions, and Issues will be nested underneath their parents cor ... rsive and nest versions * Recursive and nest issues * Draw a line showing when a Project is act ... Change the color of Projects, Versions, and Issues if they are late or behind schedule * Add ... t chart * Added tests for the Gantt rendering 2010-09-10 05:09
Revision 4065 (svn): Refocus the related issue field after submitting an issue. #6275
2010-09-06 02:48
Revision 4064 (svn): Change link_to_if_authorized to allow url paths. (Fixes #6195)
Both url paths (/issues/1234) and params hashes (:controller => 'issues') are now supported by link_to_if_authorize ... t the routes to find their controller/action. 2010-09-06 02:26
Revision 4061 (svn): Added string "cant_link_an_issue_with_a_descendant" to translations missed in #443
Solves #6278 2010-09-05 15:01
Revision 4056 (svn): Hide checkboxes in issues list when printing
2010-09-03 21:59
Revision 4055 (svn): Allow mass status update through context menu. #3411
NB: it cannot be done with issues from different projects, same as other fields. This will be addressed separately, see #5332. 2010-09-03 21:54
Revision 4048 (svn): Allow setting an issue's notes via params[:issue][:notes]. (XML API)
2010-08-27 22:08
Revision 4041 (svn): Refactor: convert many of the custom Issue routes to REST resources.
2010-08-26 18:36
Revision 4037 (svn): Refactor: extract #bulk_update method from IssuesController#bulk_edit.
2010-08-24 17:27
Revision 4034 (svn): Refactor: move IssuesController#changes to JournalsController#index.
Since #changes is only an Atom feed of journa ... o have it on the JournalsController resource. 2010-08-23 17:04
Revision 4013 (svn): Treat Calendar and Gantt pages as separate modules. #6153
This will let the Issue Tracking, Gantt, and Calendar modules be ena ... Calendar for all existing projects that have Issue Tracking enabled. Contributed by Adam Soltys 2010-08-22 20:42
Revision 4012 (svn): Fix the calendar link in the Issues sidebar. #5591
Contributed by Andrew Rudenko 2010-08-22 20:30
Revision 4011 (svn): Refactor: merge IssuesController#update_form into IssuesController#new
The #update_form action was only refreshing the issue attributes form, so it's just a specialized ... ld code that was extracted in other places (@issue.new_statuses_allowed_to). 2010-08-20 17:22
Revision 4006 (svn): Refactor: move IssuesController#context_menu to a new controller.
2010-08-19 20:16
Revision 3952 (svn): Add Issue Status to the tooltip. #6169
Contributed by Nick Peelman 2010-08-19 05:43
Revision 3947 (svn): No more IssuesController#preview action.
2010-08-18 17:03
Revision 3946 (svn): Refactor: move IssuesController#preview to a new controller.
2010-08-18 17:01
Revision 3945 (svn): Refactor: move IssuesController#auto_complete to a new controller. #4382
2010-08-17 17:03
Revision 3941 (svn): Refactor: move IssuesController#reply to JournalsController
2010-08-16 18:25
Revision 3936 (svn): Refactor: Extract a new IssueMovesController from IssuesController.
2010-08-11 16:42
Revision 3930 (svn): Refactor: extract POST version of IssuesController#move to #perform_move.
2010-08-09 16:53
Revision 3927 (svn): Added project filter when viewing all issues. #5084
2010-08-08 11:01
Revision 3918 (svn): Refactor: start to split IssuesController#move into two separate actions.
2010-08-06 17:47