



Results (2491)

Revision 646 (svn): Activity view improvements:
* issue status changes are now displayed * display options are kept when using previous/next month links 2007-08-16 12:38
Revision 630 (svn): Issue history is now 'oldest first' sorted.
2007-08-14 11:02
Revision 629 (svn): On the issue report page, 0 issue counts are now displayed as dashes.
2007-08-13 19:00
Revision 627 (svn): Mantis importer: steps_to_reproduce and additional_information fields added to issue description.
2007-08-13 17:51
Revision 620 (svn): Added an option to be able to relate issues in different projects.
It can be set in Admin -> Settings (default: false). 2007-08-12 17:31
Revision 614 (svn): Fixed: the link to delete issue relations is displayed even if the user is not authorized to delete relations
2007-08-12 16:22
Revision 613 (svn): Removed IssuesController#history, all changes are now displayed on issues/show (not only the last 15).
Added anchor links to issue notes, eg: /issues/show/1#note-3 2007-08-12 15:57
Revision 612 (svn): Fixed custom fields alignment on issues/show (Balazs Dan)
2007-08-12 14:59
Revision 604 (svn): Overdue versions (date reached and open issues > 0) are now always displayed on the roadmap.
2007-08-12 11:58
Revision 599 (svn): Fixed: on spent time details view, the h3 issue link now links back to the issue
2007-08-01 22:04
Revision 596 (svn): History box on issues/show is now hidden if there's no history
2007-08-01 20:59
Revision 590 (svn): Now, when a user turns ma ... f, he will still receive notifications about issue changes if he is the author or the assignee of the issue.
2007-07-15 13:12
Revision 586 (svn): Added the ability to log time when changing an issue status.
2007-07-14 16:37
Revision 581 (svn): Fixed: issue_id not nullified on time entries when deleting the issue
2007-07-02 17:59
Revision 577 (svn): Each category can now be associated to a user, so that new issues in that category are automatically assigned to that user.
2007-06-29 19:21
Revision 576 (svn): Fixed: Long text custom fields displayed without line breaks
Added wiki toolbar for issue notes 2007-06-27 21:12
Revision 574 (svn): Fixed an error when trying to delete a project (versions/issues dependency)
2007-06-25 21:17
Revision 567 (svn): Fixed confidentiality issue on account/show.
Only public projects or private projects that the logged in user belongs to are displayed. 2007-06-23 16:06
Revision 566 (svn): Added per user custom queries.
Any logged in user can now save queries (they ... ports" view. It can now be accessed from the issues list. 2007-06-23 15:49
Revision 562 (svn): Fixed version field on issue view page now links to the corresponding version in the roadmap.
2007-06-13 01:07
Revision 560 (svn): Added an error message when trying to create an issue with no default status defined.
2007-06-13 00:31
Revision 558 (svn): Added :dependent => :delete_all on IssueStatus Workflow association.
Also added compact in find_new_statuses_allowed_to to remove nil statuses. 2007-05-31 19:19
Revision 551 (svn): Fixed: open/closed issue counts are always 0 on reports view (postgresql)
2007-05-28 11:09
Revision 549 (svn): Added the ability to archive projects:
* Only administrators can archive/unarchive p ... narchive preserve everything on the project (issues, members, ...). * A subproject can not be unarchived if its parent project is archived. 2007-05-27 19:42
Revision 543 (svn): Added issue count details for versions on Reports view.
2007-05-26 18:06