



Results (12108)

Feature #417 (Closed): MyPage 'assigned to me' should list by priority
The Assigned To Me list should sort by priori ... Index: Sites/redmine/app/views/my/blocks/_issuesassignedtome.rhtml ======================== ... ==== --- Sites/redmine/app/views/my/blocks/_issuesassignedtome.rhtml (revision 669) +++ Sites/redmine/app/views/my/blocks/_issuesassignedtome.rhtml (working copy) @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ <h3><%=l(:label_assigned_to_me_issues)%></h3> <% assigned_issues = Issue.find(:all, :conditions => ["assigned_to_id=? AND #{IssueStatus.table_name}.is_closed=? AND #{Project. ... :order => "#{Issue.table_name}.updated_on DESC") %> + :order => "#{Issue.table_name}.priority_id DESC, #{Issue.table_name}.updated_on DESC") %> I also bu ... as that's the only list I have on that page. 2007-08-28 16:04
Feature #415 (New): Daily Digest option for Mail Notifications
We tend to have a lot of issues when using Redmine, and mail notifications ... sent out only once daily. However, if an issue is Assigned to someone, or if someone reques ... ately, regardless of Daily Digest status. 2007-08-28 09:18
Feature #414 (Closed): Dotted underline for non-existent page links
It would be great to have a feature that can ... ted underline to indicate non-existent pages. 2007-08-27 22:00
Feature #413 (Closed): Add email notification on Wiki changes
Add option to have e-mail notification on Wik ... ons, or at least the ability to watch a page. 2007-08-27 16:46
Defect #98 (Closed): Ability to use brackets in Notes
This is more of a bug that I just discovered. ... mine seems to remove them once you click Add. 2007-08-27 14:19
Defect #97 (Closed): Mantis importer - failing
I've discovered that the mantis importer is f ... an do to help debug the problem? Thanks. 2007-08-22 13:26
Defect #96 (Closed): undefined method assignable? for Role:0x31cd8a8
(redmine r655, mantis 1.1a2-ish) After mak ... /dmckenna/Sites/redmine/config/../app/models/issue.rb:115:in `assignable_users' /opt/local/lib ... /dmckenna/Sites/redmine/config/../app/models/issue.rb:115:in `assignable_users' /Users/dmckenna/Sites/redmine/config/../app/models/issue.rb:64:in `validate' /opt/local/lib/ruby/gem ... /opt/local/bin/rake:16 Any ideas? Thanks. 2007-08-20 17:08
Defect #95 (Closed): Mantis importer - field widths
Mantis allowed for longer widths than RedMine for some text fields, e.g. issue category title. To fix issue categories I changed line 291 to have this at the end: category.category[0, 30] 2007-08-20 16:55
Defect #94 (Closed): preview should probably POST instead of GET, breaking on long entries
I was porting my wiki entries from Trac into ... on long entries, POSTing should resolve the issue. Kudos on the work, our company is looking to use redMine for all dept. project and issue management. 2007-08-20 13:27
Feature #409 (New): Additional attributes for custom fields
We need two additional options for each custom field of an issue: 1st the visibility of a custom field is ... be an interesting enhancement for redMine !? 2007-08-20 07:21
Feature #408 (Closed): Assign a task to multiple users
It would be great if it was possible to assig ... sk, setting the "being solved" to himself. 2007-08-17 15:35
Defect #92 (Closed): Wiki toolbar issue under IE
Hi, The wiki toolbar is a bit bogus under ... g now with Firefox and IE also. BR, Balazs 2007-08-17 00:01
Patch #225 (Closed): Patch for custom html meta description and keywords
This patch allows you to edit the HTML meta t ... t it will use 'redMine' for description and 'issue,bug,tracker' for keywords. This patch also u ... ntation, because I can't get docbook to work. 2007-08-15 04:45
Feature #90 (New): Show deleted wiki pages or wiki files on the activity
The problem with this, is that the Activity s ... e cant link to a page that no longer exists. 2007-08-15 02:55
Feature #405 (Closed): Single RSS/atom Feed for all projects issues
I have many projects in RedMine, and keeping ... unmanageable. I single feed with all the issues in would be great. Arranged in Ascending d ... ent project...? keep up the good work! 2007-08-09 11:48
Feature #404 (Closed): Include custom fields on the issue list
A way of customizing the issues table would be very handy. It should allow: ... , so you're probably getting there... Thanks 2007-08-09 09:57
Feature #403 (Closed): Add a new boolean value to Role profil: Assignable
Hello, I wish to see a new boolean value c ... pear in the "assign to" combo-box in the new issue page, only if this value is true. This w ... plenty testers, and only two developers: for issue, I don't want that testers assign mistakenl ... I could extend my explications. Thank you. 2007-08-08 11:38
Defect #87 (Closed): Multiline custom fields not aligned correctly
If you have 2 custom fields one is multiline ... ee the screenshot! It is a really very small issue.. 2007-08-07 20:37
Feature #402 (Closed): Issues % Done
There is two ways how it is possible to change % Done of Issues: - when you are change issues status to another; - when you edit issue. It's would be more effective, if you can add issue % done every time when you add Spent time and of course when you you change a status. 2007-08-07 08:22
Defect #86 (Closed): HTML comments not rendered properly
Textile allows html tags to be input. However ... within the tag is rendered as deleted text. 2007-08-05 00:36
Feature #401 (Closed): Add pdf export for WIKI page
Add pdf export for WIKI page. User can c ... wiki page to export content as pdf file. 2007-08-02 22:11
Defect #83 (Closed): Cannot go back to issue after logging my time
From an issue, I can click on 'Log time' to log my time spent on this issue. However, after having added my hours, I ... with a list of all the loggued time for this issue. Unfortunately I cannot find a way to easily go back to the issue I was viewing (adding time to). In the timelog/details?issue_id=XX page I assume that the Issue column should link me back to my issue...unfortunately that link brings me back to ... ld much rather have a link to go back to the issue I was originally looking at. -Jackdan 2007-08-01 13:49
Defect #82 (Closed): Creating a new tracker without copying workflow leads to error page
When I try to create a new tracker without co ... ck to the 'Trackers' page (Administration -> issue tracking -> trackers) I see my new tracker. ... Thank you for a great web app. -Jackdan 2007-08-01 13:45
Feature #398 (Closed): Watcher list when new issue
The watch function is useful function. But it would be better for the new issue reporter to be able to select the members ... mber) to receive the notifications when the issue changed even if he unchecked the "Mail notifications" checkbox on "My account" page. Thanks. 2007-07-31 07:01
Defect #80 (Closed): displaying issue status
hello, although I have 7 or more statuses of issues, it displays only six statuses in dropdown list during editing issue (add, change...) thanks for help Filip 2007-07-27 08:30