



Results (12108)

Feature #396 (Closed): New user can add new issues
A user can add issues without being assigned to a project. That is a specific project allows public issues to be posted This is good for an intrane ... ack IT related problems throughout the group. 2007-07-24 05:11
Patch #224 (Closed): Getting all the spent time in all issues for each month
Just adding this two functions to a controlle ... o getxls and you get an excel file with all issues for a particular month with all the spent t ... " SELECT DISTINCT ON (time_entries.issue_id) time_entries.tmonth , time_entri ... in , as project_name , issues.subject , ( SELECT SUM(hour ... time_entries AS te WHERE te.issue_id = time_entries.issue_id AND te.tmonth = " + month.to_s + " ... + " ) AS total_hours , time_entries.issue_id FROM time_entries , issues , users , projects WHERE time_entries.issue_id = AND = time_entries.user_ ... al_hours.sub(/\./, ',')) wsh.write(x,6, k.issue_id) x = x + 1 end wks.close end 2007-07-20 08:58
Defect #78 (Closed): Unable to add new issues, selector disappeared
I don't know about anyone else, but the selector that used to appear on the welcome page and the issues index page that let you add a new issue, no longer shows up, so I can't add any more issues. This is while using the admin user who is set as the manager on all projects, and the issue is visible on all projects. I'm running the ... code, btw. Any idea what might have happened? 2007-07-19 21:07
Feature #393 (Closed): Role that can't assign a ticket
If you are giving clients access to redmine y ... g them create a new ticket but not assign it. 2007-07-19 15:43
Feature #392 (Closed): issue dependencies enhancement request
The recent release (0.5.1) introduced the ability to relate issues to each other. Thats a wonderful feature th ... ough. It would be great to be able to relate issues across projects. Our products are structu ... ! Thank you for buidling this application. :) 2007-07-19 15:19
Feature #391 (Closed): Links to notes/comments/replies in issues.
Links using fragment URIs to notes added by users to issues. Pasting links in IM (Skype, etc.) would be so much nicer: instead of (see the comment 11/17/2006 11:14 AM ... (e.g. note-12345 -> would also be handy (just like with #123 and r123). 2007-07-18 09:12
Feature #390 (Closed): Log time when change status to "Resolved"
It would be very nice and easy to use time logging if such option will be available while changing issues status to "Resolved". For me it seems logical - process example - I am working on some issue -> issue is fixed -> I am changing issue status and in this exact step I could log spent time. 2007-07-12 10:45
Defect #76 (Closed): PDF fonts must be in UTF-8
When export Issues which is non english writed encoding must b ... hen another one for example which is correct. 2007-07-10 10:01
Defect #75 (Closed): 500 error when creating an issue with no default status selected
The top of the stack trace: Processing ProjectsController#add_issue (for XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX at 2007-07-10 13:38:57) ... XXXXXXXXXXXXX Parameters: {"action"=>"add_issue", "id"=>"1", "controller"=>"projects", "trac ... ntrollers/projects_controller.rb:219:in `add_issue' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/acti ... t's a minor bug, but it's an annoying one :-D 2007-07-10 09:47
Defect #74 (Closed): Projects share issue numbers
I've created two projects within one RedMine installation. To my surprise when I created a new issue for new project the issue number was subsequent to last issue number in other project. I think that this behavior is wrong and issue numbers should be separate among projects. 2007-07-06 04:43
Defect #73 (Closed): Can't filter on custom field
Hi -- Being able to add custom "issues" fields is great, but I really want to be a ... add this? Thanks again for a great project! 2007-07-05 18:04
Defect #71 (Closed): Timelog entries remain after deleting an issue
Hi, Deleting an issue does not delete related timelog entries. Thus you can see timelogs but dont know what was the issue! Maybe it is a feature, because in real life spent time wont disappear after somebody deletes an issue, but in this case issues shouldnt be removed permanently. But I think if somebody wants to delete an issue then he would like to delete timelogs also. BR, Balazs 2007-06-27 21:33
Feature #69 (Closed): Textilized description in PDF
When exporting an issue then textile symbols (under description and history) appear in PDF files without formatting! 2007-06-27 00:16
Patch #222 (Closed): Autowatch issues
Hi, I post this modification here because ... s :) After this patch if you create a new issue or change status of an issue or edit(!) an issue, then both author and assigned user will watch the issue automatically. Recipients will be watchers ... miss this feature so much. Thanks, Balazs 2007-06-26 23:44
Patch #221 (Closed): Textilized timelog comments
Hi, We use timelog comments to display wha ... is masterpiece! We love it! :) BR, Balazs 2007-06-26 23:24
Defect #68 (Closed): Long text custom fields displayed without line breaks
If you add a "long text" custom field to an issue and you enter a multiline text, then the whole text displayed without linebreaks. 2007-06-26 22:44
Feature #383 (Closed): Should be able to associate an issue with an svn revision
When closing an issue, it would be nice to be able to provide the svn revision number of the change that resolved the issue. If present, this could be used to add an ... uld click once to see the details of how the issue was resolved. Of course, a link could also ... he redMine page that shows the details of an issue. 2007-06-26 15:04
Feature #382 (Closed): Default "Assigned to" based on "Category"
In many cases, the person who originates an issue does not know who should be assigned to hand ... associate a user with each Category, so new issues in that Category would be assigned to that user. Thanks for a great open source project! 2007-06-26 09:42
Feature #381 (Closed): general wiki for the whole site
many issues are not connected with a single project, li ... a separate wiki for the whole redmine site. 2007-06-25 11:15
Feature #375 (New): Fast time logging on my assigned issues in one view
I could imagine when working on multiple issues at the same time and you want to report in ... part of the "My Page" view) allows for each issue assigned to me to directly to enter the spe ... at once, instead of diving into each single issue. 2007-06-21 11:27
Feature #374 (New): Support for milestones/iterations as part of projects
A version could consist of one to many iterat ... allows quite nicely to cluster the features/issues. 2007-06-21 11:21
Feature #373 (New): Graphical slider for setting "% Done" field
A slider could visualize the progress of an issue in a more haptic way, probably leading to a slightly more intuitive way of setting it. 2007-06-21 11:17
Feature #372 (Closed): Support for estimated effort of an issue
It would be very helpful to have the estimated time (in hours) as an own field for each issue. Advantages: * supporting "load" calc ... ate [assuming 8h/day?] vs. estimated time 2007-06-21 11:09
Feature #371 (New): Show time tracking in the changelog/roadmap
In the interests of using Redmine for time tr ... o be able to display the time taken on each issue on the changelog and/or roadmap page, possibly also with a total given for each version. 2007-06-20 21:27
Defect #67 (Closed): Error page for "Permission to access issue denied" is blank page.
This is related to the feature request of a "Go to issue" form. If I go to /issues/show/123 and I don't have access to the project that has issue 123, then I get a blank white page instead o ... . :authorize, and what happens when it fails. 2007-06-14 17:07