



Results (12108)

Feature #315 (Closed): Allow user to "change" issue status to the same status.
We will be using the "Assigned" status quite a lot. A typical progression could be Issue raised, assigned to PM issue reassigned to Designer issue reassigned to developer issue marked as resolved and assigned to QA. I ... mediate form that appears when you change an issue status as it contains all the relevant details and when you look at the issue history it appears under one history entry. If I want to reassign an issue to another user without changing the status ... I have to add a comment then go and edit the issue. This is cumbersome and clutters up the hist ... gn things easily using the intermediate page. 2007-04-04 06:35
Feature #313 (Closed): Default end date
(Maybe have this as an optional setting somew ... ot be for everyone) When a user raises an issue, if they specify a version but haven't yet set the end date for the issue then the end date defaults to the date of the version. This will ensure that all issues raised for a version will appear in the Gantt chart. 2007-04-03 11:03
Feature #312 (Closed): Set status when raising issue
Allow the user to set the issue status when raising an issue. The dropdown should default to the "default ... hoice. The reason being that if I raise an issue and know who to assign it to immediately then I may not want to have to raise a "New" issue then go back in and change the status to "Assigned" (Which displays on the issue history as well). 2007-04-03 10:55
Defect #32 (Closed): show issues in page is wrong
Hi: When the number of issue grow up it will be listed in page. But when I click the next page, the issue list is wrong. please see the screen shot in attachment. 2007-04-03 09:44
Defect #29 (Closed): sort field is lost, when displaying next part of issues list
Hello Jean-Philippe, I think I found a bug when displaying issues. To see it, you must have more than one page of issues. 1. change sorting, e.g. click on "Sort ... not possible to navigate through an ordered issues list. If you have troubles replicating the bug, let me know. Bye, Pavol 2007-04-02 04:23
Feature #310 (Closed): Colorize issues in my page view
In my page all the issues are listed with the same font, same color. ... resolved and which are undergoing. If these issues could be rendered with different color, tha ... onderful thing for users. Thanks -- caocao 2007-04-02 03:39
Defect #28 (Closed): LDAP password are exposed in clear in the logs
debugging information display LDAP password i ... ication successful for 'user11' ...cut 2007-03-29 18:02
Feature #309 (Closed): Copy project template.
An option to copy a project's structure when ... want to copy: Project settings Members Issue Categories I will try my hand at modifyin ... r this but wanted to raise it in the tracker. 2007-03-29 10:51
Feature #308 (Closed): Allow tracker selection on the main calendar page
Currently the Calendar can get very large with lots of issues and quickly becomes unwieldy. We would l ... ayed on the changelog page. Thanks, Jeff 2007-03-29 09:36
Patch #215 (Closed): watchers of bugs
This patch adds "watchers" = every issue can be watched by anybody in the project. Every time the issue is changed, the assigned_to user and all wa ... il. To add yourself as a watcher, view an issue, there is a new link and icon next to the ed ... -> remove yourself as from watchers of this issue. I also added a list of all watchers at the bottom of the issue page (show action) - users, that can add mem ... project can add or remove watchers from an issue. What is missing: tests - I did test it ... will improve the code if I know how. muro 2007-03-29 09:22
Feature #307 (Closed): CC field for issues
A CC field like found in Bugzilla. This field would keep others interested in an issue up to date with all ticket (issue) changes and modifications. Currently I believe only the ticket owner gets these updates. 2007-03-29 09:20
Feature #306 (New): Full Text Search of files
It would be great if we could get an option to search the contents of attached files/documents. 2007-03-29 08:49
Feature #303 (Closed): Remove viewing permissions from roles
It would be really nice if I could set viewin ... cally want it so that hey can report and see issues (bonus for limiting to just their issues but not a big deal in my situation), news, ... f something being missed or lost is greater. 2007-03-28 23:24
Feature #302 (New): Enhance project parent/child relationship
Right now there doesn't seem to be any partic ... rojects, e.g., a parent GANTT chart can show issues from all sub-projects * The project listin ... ked as being subordinate to a parent project 2007-03-28 13:17
Feature #301 (Closed): Reports on all projects
It would be good for the admin or project manager to be able to see reports on all projects. Issues, Planning grantt etc. This is very useful ... all this projects so far is great. Good Work. 2007-03-28 12:17
Defect #27 (Closed): project summary(/projects/show/*) returns error when running as CGI
but it works fine when running with webrick(s ... :controller => 'projects', :action => 'list_issues', :id => @project, 27: ... r_id" => %>: 29: <%= @open_issues_by_tracker[tracker] || 0 %> <%= lwr(:label_open_issues, @open_issues_by_tracker[tracker] || 0) %> 30: <%= l(:label_on) %> <%= @total_issues_by_tracker[tracker] || 0 %></li> 31: < ... mine trunk(r388) with MySQL on FreeBSD4.1 2007-03-28 11:31
Feature #300 (Closed): Filter on custom fields (issues)
It is currently not possible to filter issues based on values of custom fields. It would ... he same way as common fields. Regards, muro 2007-03-28 04:27
Patch #214 (Closed): Switch from numeric issue ids to symbolic ones
Switches issue ids from #1 to something like MYID-1 2007-03-26 21:53
Feature #298 (Closed): Project to subproject relationship
I suggest changing the project to sub-project ... roject could belong to more than one project. 2007-03-25 15:55
Patch #213 (Closed): mail delivery workflow based
Hi all, As for the previous patch, I had t ... the user in charge for the new status of the issue and not to the whole group of members for t ... very well designed and flexible project. 2007-03-24 07:57
Feature #297 (Closed): Default values for fields
In order for me to even be able to create an issue, I had to create an issue category, a workflow, a tracker, and maybe a ... closed Roles - admin, committer, observer Issue Priorities - low, med, high, show-stopper ... e to open my first bug on my first project. 2007-03-23 12:45
Feature #296 (Closed): REST API
The subject has been touched in a few other r ... y (i.e. the model is too "volatile" for now)? 2007-03-23 04:08
Patch #212 (New): Assign To limited by workflow
First of all, thanks for this great product! ... g only the list of users involved in the new issue status rather than the whole list, so I hav ... r way :) <pre><code class="diff"> Index: issues_controller.rb =================================================================== --- issues_controller.rb (revision 359) +++ issues_controller.rb (working copy) @@ -10 ... end def destroy </code></pre> 2007-03-21 04:53
Defect #23 (Closed): Issue and revision textile links in issue notes
When creating issue and revision links they don't always appear ... ediately have a carriage return. i.e. Issue #19 More text will not work but if you p ... correctly. (underscore represents a space) Issue#19_ More text On some issues it appeared to even when there wasn't a cha ... carriage return, maybe some sort of Regexpt issue? 2007-03-20 10:58
Feature #294 (Closed): Include "Fixed version" when creating a new issue
Currently the "Fixed version" is only available when you edit an issue, not create one. I have added the dropdown t ... n it needs to be fixed for when creating the issue it makes sense to allow them to specify the option at issue creation time. 2007-03-20 10:40