



Results (18047)

Help: Upgrading from v2.3.2 to 5.0.2 (with docker) - how to restore databases?
Hi everybody! I'm currently upgrading our ... icky part: restoring the databases (tickets, issues, users, everything). According to this ( ... 9, for Linux (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper 2022-09-20 10:58
Help: Sum up story points of subtasks (automatically??)
I would like my Redmine issues to automatically set / update its story poi ... n head and manually update parent). Possible? 2022-09-20 09:36
Help: "Assigned to": User selection depending on permissions
Hello everyone, does anyone know if there ... cker? So when you have a tracker selected, issues can only be assigned to the associated user ... ole (e.g. Reporter), check the box labelled "Issues can be assigned to this role". But we woul ... ot per role. Thank you! Viktoria 2022-09-19 11:52
Help: RE: Postgresql query to filter with CF
this was resolved with help of 2022-09-08 14:05
Help: Unable to update users after migration - Error 500
Hi everyone I migrated from Redmine 3.4.4 ... rything and also searched around for similar issues with no success. Any help is highly appreci ... edmine_ckeditor 1.2.3 </pre> 2022-09-08 10:57
Open discussion: RE: daily minimum, maximum and average
You've posted to the wrong site. This is the forum for the Redmine project-management and issue-tracking software which, by default, doesn't ... u should probably head over to another forum. 2022-09-06 15:24
Help: RE: Installing Parabola on Libreboot wi ... /dev/matrix/rootvol not found. Skipping fsck"
You've posted to the wrong site. This is the forum for the Redmine project-management and issue-tracking software. You should probably head ... .nu/projects/parabola-community-forum/boards. 2022-09-06 15:23
Help: RE: Issues after upgrade from 3.4.5 to 4.1.1
I have the same issue with 4.2.7 and @ActionController::Routing ... m 3.x.x to 4.2.7 recently, is this a caching issue with users accessing the new version for the ... re referenced in the code... so cache i guess 2022-09-06 08:44
Help: Postgresql query to filter with CF
Hi, I have an external reporting wich built ... y (CF 134 below). While checking the table (issues) all custom fileds values are stored in one ... = '134' and customized_id in (select id from issues where tracker_id = '42' and created_on >= ' ... sc;@ Any guidance will be much appreciated 2022-09-01 10:45
Help: Redmine operation speed is abnormally slow
*Server Information* OS : WindowsServer 2008 ... an unusually long time to register, edit an issue, or upload or download a file. We also shar ... g time. Can I know the cause? thank you 2022-09-01 07:14
Help: Get Error: Email delivery error: end of file reached when execute redmine:send_reminders
I have created issue: #37540 If any one could have a solution, please help. this issue set due day, and assigned to a group that co ... btw, those users only have this over due day issue, Log: <pre> I, [2022-08-31T08:01:04. ... c4bcfa3850 @uri=#<URI::GID gid://redmine-app/Issue/4366>>, #<GlobalID:0x000055c4bcfa3260 @uri=#<URI::GID gid://redmine-app/Issue/4367>>], 0 I, [2022-08-31T08:01:04.987789 # ... c4bcfcdce0 @uri=#<URI::GID gid://redmine-app/Issue/4366>>, #<GlobalID:0x000055c4bcfcd6c8 @uri=#<URI::GID gid://redmine-app/Issue/4367>>], 0 I, [2022-08-31T08:01:05.130486 # ... mine_hearts 2.1.1 redmine_issue_templates 1.1.0 redmine_issues_panel 0.0.5 redmine_logs ... editor 0.27.0 redmine_xlsx_format_issue... 2022-08-31 02:38
Help: RE: How to Create Issue with Hook "controller_issues_new_after_save"
I'm wondering how I can create serveral Issues within the hook. Because @context[:issue].save()@ is executed serveral times but only ... les and store it again? Basically clone the Issue just with a different ID. 2022-08-25 14:10
Help: Unable to Create or Edit Projects
Hi all, I recently upgraded Redmine from 4 ... ::Template::Error (undefined method `default_issue_query_id' for #<Project:0x00000214b2b48138> Did you mean? default_issue_query default_issue_query=): [ef2d8e55-909b-4388-8b85-8bc674914 ... 6: <% if @project.safe_attribute?('default_issue_query_id') %> [ef2d8e55-909b-4388-8b85-8bc674914750] 47: <p><%= :default_issue_query_id, project_default_issue_query_options(@project), include_blank: l(:l ... 5-8bc674914750] Has anyone faced the same issue or able to help on this, please? Thank you! 2022-08-23 05:39
Help: RE: Ho do I import or add new template of issue?
Simon Leung wrote: > What you mean by custom ... ). This might not be what is expected by the issue_templates plugin previously referenced by To ... h could this be the cause of the description issue you outlined in message#67524. I can't he ... as I'm not familiar with both of the plugins. 2022-08-20 05:55
Help: [Solved] Redmine on Docker NAS Synology - IMAP Gmail - Get mails 1 by 1
Hi all, I have configured my redmine on a ... ut my crontab used to catch emails to create issues get my emails 1 by 1. Any idea to help ? ... ort unknown_user=create no_permission_check=1 2022-08-19 14:59
Help: RE: How to Create Issue with Hook "controller_issues_new_after_save"
Thank you for the formatting and response. I used global variables, because I had some issue with the instance variables together with th ... my solution here, if I have figured it out. 2022-08-19 08:59
Help: RE: Ho do I import or add new template of issue?
Mischa The Evil wrote: > Simon Leung wrote: ... imported from the template [...] > > That issue might be caused by the fact that it seems th ... or? I created that template on Redmine panel. 2022-08-19 08:48
Help: RE: Ho do I import or add new template of issue?
Simon Leung wrote: > On the other hand, I fo ... irectly import new template instead of using issue template plugin(see attached photo). I do no ... mplate/config.js. Still, it did not work. 2022-08-19 06:18
Help: RE: Ho do I import or add new template of issue?
On the other hand, I found someone could directly import new template instead of using issue template plugin(see attached photo). I do no ... dialogs/template. Still, it did not work. 2022-08-19 06:17
Help: RE: How to Create Issue with Hook "controller_issues_new_after_save"
Some thoughts: * why do you use global varia ... ferences-in-rails-between-new-save-and-create 2022-08-19 06:12
Help: RE: Ho do I import or add new template of issue?
Simon Leung wrote: > [...] only title could ... be imported from the template [...] That issue might be caused by the fact that it seems th ... ng some customized (wysiwyg) text editor. 2022-08-19 05:55
Help: RE: Ho do I import or add new template of issue?
Actually, I have installed that issue templates plugin previously. To create a new issue, only title could be imported from the templ ... rted from the template(see attached photo). 2022-08-19 05:44
Help: RE: Cannot change issue status
Our current implementation allows users to create and modify any information in their issues if the issue state is "New". How can we configure the user role to let her modify only the state of a "New" issue and no other attribute? (That would be the s ... mine version-4.2.4.stable + Additionals-3.0.3 2022-08-18 21:40
Open discussion: RE: how to change status without "Edit issues" roles
Our current implementation allows users to modify any information in their issues if the issue state is "new". How can we configure the user role to let her modify only the state of a new issue and no other attribute? (That would be the s ... : additionals 3.0.3 2022-08-18 21:23
Help: RE: Ho do I import or add new template of issue?
There is a plugin, where you can customize yo ... d) I hope this is good solution for you. 2022-08-18 15:15