



Results (18047)

Help: RE: Email delivery is not configured, and notifications are disabled
Hi, I do not think this is a Redmine issue. Seems to me as a misconfiguration or a reac ... ping an to telnet smtp server first. Lorenzo 2022-01-01 17:52
Help: RE: Email delivery is not configured, and notifications are disabled
I have the same issue. Did you solve this problem? 2021-12-31 22:11
Help: Install issue on RHEL7 : Could not spawn process for application
I followed the install procedure here : ht ... ::HTTPServer#start done. Exiting </pre> Issue seems to be somewhere between apache, passen ... Any help would be aprreciated. Thanks! 2021-12-30 15:26
Help: RE: Problem with the list of the tracker when I do a new issue
Hi Go MAEDA, The user has only one rol in th ... . I attach the behavior in a video. Thanks! 2021-12-30 08:52
Plugins: RE: Plugin conflict: helper method i ... s to disappear when another plugin is present
Doing some tests I realized the problem happens because the other plugin also patches IssuesController. The patch for this controller ... blank like this: <pre> require_dependency 'issues_controller' module MegaCalendar module IssuesControllerPatch end end </pre> and it ... e: <pre> require_dependency 'mega_calendar/issues_controller_patch' </pre> for the problem to happen. It is not necessary to do: <pre> IssuesController.send(:prepend, MegaCalendar::IssuesControllerPatch) </pre> So there is some ... e based on the Patch suffix and it seems the IssuesHelper module is reset. But, I realized I don't need to patch IssuesHelper and instead I just moved the method issue_history_tabs_for_redmine_rt from IssuesHelperPatch to my ... 2021-12-30 06:45
Plugins: Plugin conflict: helper method inclu ... s to disappear when another plugin is present
I'm using the "CoreHelper.send(:include, MyHelper)" call mentioned in: in my plugin: https ... t.rb to add one extra helper method named issue_history_tabs_for_redmine_rt for the issue view: ... 76f227f22bea659432f367cbf4dd6/lib/redmine_rt/issues_helper_patch.rb This works fine. Howe ... the method issue_history_tabs_for_redmine_rt disappears: Rendered plugins/mega_calendar/app/views/issues/show.html.erb (500.0ms) Rendered plugins/redmine_rt/app/views/issues/show.html.erb within layouts/base (531. ... ::Error (undefined local variable or method `issue_history_tabs_for_redmine_rt' for #<#&lt;Clas ... 48&gt;:0x00007f0095923c80> Did you mean? issue_history_tabs): 220: 221: " > ... 'desc' : 'asc' >"> 223: <= render_tabs ... 2021-12-30 04:08
Open discussion: Usage of strategy pattern?
Hi all, im currently working on a college pro ... nging the code already made. For example, in issues tab, in pdf/csv export you could add a new ... made any mistakes and thanks for your time. 2021-12-29 20:10
Help: RE: Problem with the list of the tracker when I do a new issue
Another possibility is that the user has mult ... F" trackers, the user can see those trackers. 2021-12-22 09:25
Help: RE: Problem with the list of the tracker when I do a new issue
Hi Go MAEDA, No, the user doesn't have the a ... with the user without admin privileges too. 2021-12-22 08:49
Help: RE: Problem with the list of the tracker when I do a new issue
Do you have an administrator privilege? If ... ll objects regardless of permission settings. 2021-12-22 03:09
Help: redmine 4.2.3 error on tickets with subtasks
Hi everyone, we recently migrated to redmine ... n http 500 error): <pre> Unknown column 'issues.is_closed' in 'order clause': SELECT COUNT(`issues`.`id`) AS count_id, `is_closed` AS is_closed FROM `issues` INNER JOIN `projects` ON `projects`.`id` = `issues`.`project_id` INNER JOIN `issue_statuses` ON `issue_statuses`.`id` = `issues`.`status_id` WHERE `issues`.`root_id` = 28341 AND (issues.lft > 125 AND issues.rgt < 150) AND (projects.status <> 9 AND EX ... ERE em.project_id = AND'issue_tracking')) GROUP BY `is_closed` ORDER BY `issues`.`is_closed` ASC): 110: </div> 11 ... g> 113: <%= render_descendants_stats(@issue... 2021-12-21 08:35
Help: Problem with the list of the tracker when I do a new issue
Hi all, I use the latest docker container ht ... ackers: !role.png! When I go to open a issue with a user of this role, the tracker that s ... er Mailer delivery smtp 2021-12-20 11:39
Help: RE: Hide public projects for specific roles
Just for info, at the end I resolved the issue asking to developer to create a dedicated plugin replicating that function. 2021-12-17 13:27
Help: Create issue via API using json is working?
Hi, does this functionality work or not? Always returns "Subject cannot be blank". 2021-12-15 07:32
Help: RE: Multiple Assignee for one issue
David Doležal wrote: > You didn't write why ... to filter out two things if you assigned to issue or are you the author of the issue then show the issues. And i would like to make for one issue that the author could assign more than one person. 2021-12-09 10:39
Help: RE: Multiple Assignee for one issue
thomas mjelva wrote: > we use this plugin: ... e for example default field 'assigned_to_id'? 2021-12-09 10:37
Help: RE: Help:Comment issue(with attachments) via email, lost some attachments(xls,xlsx)
Yes, the same permissions. I even tried to u ... mail) for test, and the results were the same 2021-12-09 10:34
Help: RE: Help:Comment issue(with attachments) via email, lost some attachments(xls,xlsx)
peng jie wrote: > Thanks a lot of your reply ... t users. Are both users same in permissions? 2021-12-09 10:23
Help: RE: Help:Comment issue(with attachments) via email, lost some attachments(xls,xlsx)
David Doležal wrote: > peng jie wrote: > > ... rake command? My fault, I see it now. ;-) 2021-12-09 10:18
Help: RE: Multiple Assignee for one issue
You didn't write why do you need this solutio ... up as assignee. Will it be solution for you? 2021-12-09 10:13
Help: RE: Help:Comment issue(with attachments) via email, lost some attachments(xls,xlsx)
peng jie wrote: > These attachments can be s ... dmine. Do you have log from rake command? 2021-12-09 10:06
Help: RE: Help:Comment issue(with attachments) via email, lost some attachments(xls,xlsx)
These attachments can be seen in the redmine' ... cuted to grab the attachments to redmine. 2021-12-07 10:57
Help: RE: Help:Comment issue(with attachments) via email, lost some attachments(xls,xlsx)
From your description I think, there is no pr ... ot, I think that problem is on provider side. 2021-12-07 08:16
Help: RE: Help:Comment issue(with attachments) via email, lost some attachments(xls,xlsx)
Thanks a lot of your reply. Yes,I checked, ... this related to the comment email? 2021-12-07 02:19
Plugins: RE: Is there a plugin that exports issues as pdf's and sends them as email?
I think this is a plugin that can be useful f ... ps:// 2021-12-06 19:50