



Results (153)

Help: RE: Accessing Repository with svn+ssh
Hi, I just went through quite a hassle to get ... : with a "No close tag for /lists/list" message, nevertheless it didn't make any sense to me. I'm not using https, so it had nothing to do with certificates, although I'm g ... rsion_adapter.rb line 228 and removed the "--no-auth-cache" option * Edited /etc/passwd to ... in /var/www Then everything worked fine. Now I'm having another problem with yum and some package dependencies to install mod_fastcgi, but that's another story. Hope this helps. 2010-01-25 04:50
Open discussion: RE: svn+ssh subversion browsing in project
Hi, I just went through quite a hassle to get ... : with a "No close tag for /lists/list" message, nevertheless it di ... rsion_adapter.rb line 228 and removed the "--no-auth-cache" option * Edited /etc/passwd to ... l for apache Then everything worked fine. Now I'm having another problem with yum and some package dependencies to install mod_fastcgi, but that's another story. Hope this helps. 2010-01-25 04:43
Help: RE: Connecting to remote SVN repository via svn+ssh
Hi, I just went through quite a hassle to get ... : with a "No close tag for /lists/list" message, nevertheless it di ... rsion_adapter.rb line 228 and removed the "--no-auth-cache" option * Edited /etc/passwd to ... l for apache Then everything worked fine. Now I'm having another problem with yum and some package dependencies to install mod_fastcgi, but that's another story. Hope this helps. 2010-01-25 04:38
Help: RE: Accessing Repository with svn+ssh
As I can see in the file subversion_adapter.rb, the authentication is non interactive and the username and password i ... k? || @password.blank? str << " --no-auth-cache --trust-server-cert --non-interactive" str end @ ... 2003. I still have the issue for the <list> tag not closed : @ Error parsing svn output: #<REXML::ParseException: No close tag for /lists/list> @ The partial result it ... th} --username Steve --password {password} --no-auth-cache --trust-server-cert --non-interactive @ I understand that is what ... glad to do any tests you consider necessary. 2009-12-28 02:13
Help: RE: Accessing Repository with svn+ssh
I'm having pretty much the same issue. pr ... username@my.ip/var/svn/repository_name"> (Note that this is where if you run the command ... parse and reports "The entry or revision was not found in the repository." to the webuser and a 'No close tag for /lists/list' in the production.log Th ... it been identified as an issue? --Mark S. 2009-12-04 19:14
Help: Undisclosed-recipents in email messages
Hello: Recently I have found that my Mailm ... he reason for this is that redmine (I don't know exactly why...) is sending the mails that are related to a project, with the "To:" tag empty inside the mail header. Here I've show ... ake you and idea: <pre> ... Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 15:04:34 +0100 From: ################ ... # X-Redmine-Host: ############## *To: undisclosed-recipients:;* </pre> Is there any possi ... this behaviour? To make redmine fill the To:tag or any other solution? Thanks in advice 2009-11-26 15:08
Help: redmine tries to access subversion through proxy
hi everyone, the repobrowser of my redmine ... r/log/apache2/error.log: <pre> [...] [Tue Nov 24 11:03:58 2009] [error] [client 193.197.7 ... parsing svn output: #<REXML::ParseException: No close tag for /lists/list> /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/pa ... nger/abstract_server.rb:196:in `start_synchronously' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/ab ... nger/abstract_server.rb:196:in `start_synchronously' /usr/lib/phusion_passenger/passenger-spawn-server:61 ... No close tag for /lists/list Line: Position: Last 80 u ... v_svn_and_mod_perl ## Attention: do NOT activate PassengerHighPerformance, this wil ... es to go through the proxy? Regards, Lars 2009-11-24 12:14
Help: RE: Redmine Svn Auto Creation: Can't make DBI com handle for DBD::mysql::db: unknown package.
I'm seeing this issue, too, on 0.8.5. I see t ... k/src Log message unchanged or not specified (a)bort, (c)ontinue, (e)dit : c svn: COPY of '/svn/een/!svn/bc/721/trunk/src': Could not read status line: connection was closed by server ( meersjo@soulcake-duck:~$ </pre> 2009-11-13 12:26
Open discussion: svn+ssh subversion browsing in project
Hi there Folks, I'm having a problem brows ... onfigured ssh to be host based I.e requiring no password. As you can see I've included the u ... use that URL previously mentioned and works(no errors, used hosted based ssh authentication ... 500 and the error 'The entry or revision was not found in the repository.' When bumping t ... parsing svn output: #<REXML::ParseException: No close tag for /lists/list> and looking down the fil ... d thus IS missing the rest (a closing <list> tag),as the error correctly explained. So per ... ream/src/AbilityModules'@1 svn: warning: cannot set LC_CTYPE locale svn: warning: environm ... ou sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? Which also gets stuck at the <list tag as the original error specified. So it waits ... adds to my list of k... 2009-10-25 14:24
Help: issue to stay nonclosed but does'nt disturb me as active, or to stay closed but with right counted roadmap
hi, folks(and sorry my bad english) i actu ... bug fix on my project, and is about 80% but now i need to pause development 'cause docs isn't arrive. i create a status "paused", in order to not mess on personal page active task i make it final state. now in roadmap (i have 2 issues, first paused at 80% and another new one) it counted as finalised at 100% (i think according closed status), so roadmap is 50:50, that's somehow incorrect. if I make "paused" as nonclose roadmap is correct, but I'll see it issue at no.1 on my personal page's issues(assigned to m ... y to hide it from my page with correct persentage on poadmap (leave it open but hided for use ... st prectice" or a plugin. thanks in advise 2009-10-23 18:30
Help: RE: Subversion and - svn copy Could not read status line: Secure connection truncated
I'm having the same problem, although my repo ... /svn/myapp/trunk https://my.server/svn/myapp/tags/0.1.0 -m "Tagged 0.1.0 release." svn: COPY de '/svn/myapp/!svn/bc/38/trunk': Could not read status line: Secure connection truncat ... r/svn/myapp/trunk http://my.server/svn/myapp/tags/0.1.0 -m "Tagged 0.1.0 release." svn: COPY de '/svn/myapp/!svn/bc/38/trunk': Could not read status line: connection was closed by server (http://my.server) Every other commands work fine, it's just the copy that fails. 2009-08-06 18:55
Help: RE: Unable to update an issue.
Hi Nanda, I had a look - I am a member of ... ity as a 'Developer Owner'. But, still I cannot change the status of any task. The tasks ... ogged with each, and the ones that I want to close's percentage is set to 100%. Please see the attached ... Thanks for taking your time to reply, Craig. 2009-06-17 13:30
Help: Problem accessing the repository latest revisions
Hello A few days ago my svn https certific ... parsing svn output: #<REXML::ParseException: No close tag for /lists/list>@ I found the workaround in the faq and used it. Now there's no more error in the log : @Processing Repos ... ted since the certificate change ! I don't know where to find the error : nothing in the log ! 2009-04-24 10:39
Open discussion: RE: Advanced SVN Integration
furthermore: I am getting this error when trying to browse the repository from redmine: No close tag for /lists/list Line: Position: Last 80 ... DB: 0.03100 (9%) | 500 Internal Server Error 2009-04-13 19:53
Open discussion: RE: Rename "REDMINE"
I couldn't agree with eric more. Though I thi ... Brad, your use of sarcasm was eloquent. I do not mean any disrespect when I ask if all of yo ... ny awkwardness at the name. I have received enough odd looks that I am just surprised. Thoug ... o that I can pay my mortgage. We reviewed close to 30 different PM systems and chose redmine ... ompany continues to grow. Community: I am not sure but can't wait to hear people's though ... 2) Brand Identity: Logo, Name, Colors, Tagline, Emotional tone Marketing: .org site, b ... as they come to mind. I need to head to bed now. 3) Pro Vs Con I'll put my 2c on th ... as well. and some personal thoughts on nomenclature: Markus, it never occurred to me that people would hear the sound but not the meaning (which makes perfect sense). wh ... n both good and bad ways). Personally I have no... 2009-03-19 07:05
Plugins: RE: Graphs plugin
Jerome Vanthournout wrote: > Hi Brad, > > Your Screenshot looks very promising. > > I have listed below an non-exhaustive list of graph which would make sense for a tool like Redmine. > # Graph of open/close issue per project/tracker. > # List of open/close issue per project/tracker. > # in the Issue ... master (relies on Google) There's an advantage to a locally hosted solution, but SVG isn't ... it doesn't require any additional libraries. 2009-03-05 01:07
Open discussion: RE: Percentage done
Eric Davis wrote: > Brad Beattie wrote: > > ... > > However, if the roadmap shows a percentage of tickets closed, it is not very usable for me. As an example if there ... eing less then 50% complete. I am sure it is not hard for us to imagine the developers doing ... ased on Status (New = 0%, In Progress = 50%, Closed = 100%) > > Eric Hrm. I can certainly ... their attention becomes saturated and they ignore all non-required fields. :( 2009-02-03 00:34
Open discussion: RE: Percentage done
Brad Beattie wrote: > Does anyone use this f ... . > However, if the roadmap shows a percentage of tickets closed, it is not very usable for me. As an example if there ... eing less then 50% complete. I am sure it is not hard for us to imagine the developers doing ... ased on Status (New = 0%, In Progress = 50%, Closed = 100%) Eric 2009-02-03 00:25
Open discussion: RE: Percentage done
Jeff Dombach wrote: > Thanks Brad, I just di ... > > However, if the roadmap shows a percentage of tickets closed, it is not very usable for me. As an example if there ... eing less then 50% complete. I am sure it is not hard for us to imagine the developers doing the 9 easy tasks first. > > That is another part of the reason why I would disable the percentage done field (and in fact may hardcode to dis ... in favor of being able to disable the percentage done field on the issue. I would also like ... ry field, then show the target version percentage done as it pertains to time, yeah? I suppose in that context, you could auto-populate the percentage done based on the logged time (if there is any). I think there are some complexities here we're not considering. Maybe the easier way of looking at it is seeing the roadmap showing the percen... 2009-01-30 00:18
Open discussion: RE: Percentage done
Thanks Brad, I just discovered I need to add ... ow. However, if the roadmap shows a percentage of tickets closed, it is not very usable for me. As an example if there ... eing less then 50% complete. I am sure it is not hard for us to imagine the developers doing the 9 easy tasks first. That is another part of the reason why I would disable the percentage done field (and in fact may hardcode to dis ... in favor of being able to disable the percentage done field on the issue. I would also like ... rs remaining. That's my two cents. Jeff 2009-01-30 00:03
Open discussion: RE: Percentage done
Jeff Dombach wrote: > As a project manager, the percentage done field is problematic. I can't add them ... admap":/projects/roadmap/redmine does. Percentage done isn't without use; It just goes sorely underused in most cases. Now it's possible that it's underused because w ... h new tickets are opened and old tickets are closed, not the progress of individual tickets. That wo ... reflected in's use of the field. 2009-01-27 06:45
Open discussion: RE: Reposirtory subset
I had a typo in the subset path so using the file:/// protocol now works. But when I test with http or https I still get same the error as above. I know that the url works since i copy & paste it ... oduction.log I see the following message: No close tag for /lists/list Line: Position: Last 80 u ... /list> </lists> Any conclusions why I cannot use the http protocol with redmine? 2008-10-12 13:25
Help: Svn Tagging/Branching not working -> segmentation fault
Hello, I have a Redmine installation which u ... uts work also! But when I try to do a branch/tag (copy) i get : <pre>"COPY of '/svn/[My Project]' Could nt read status line connection was closed by server (</pre> ... he2 2.2.3 with subversion 1.4.2 Any Ideas? 2008-09-27 16:46
Open discussion: RE: Subticket/SubIssue Feature
I'm +1000 on this feature. :-) I have not yet found a way to group (sub)tasks that be ... to "Child of ##1", e.g: "Create Graphics" Now the fun part is: 1. Ticket-1 can not be closed before ticket-2 and ticket-3 are closed. 2. Updates to the status (percentage-done) of ticket-2 or ticket-3 are automatic ... ... Also see my comments on Ticket #952. 2008-08-23 16:55
Help: RE: need some help with accessing SVN repository over HTTPS
I confirm this problem. Here is the except ... parsing svn output: #<REXML::ParseException: No close tag for ["lists", "list"]> /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/re ... /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/mongrel_rails:18 ... No close tag for ["lists", "list"] Line: Position: Las ... the command line as the mongrel user I have no error and the output is complete. When this ... https://repository@rev" (which is truncated). 2008-07-03 12:32