



Results (505)

Customize Journal Display
Customize the journal details in the issues by settings a background color for changed fields similar to the diff for the description field 2013-10-10 10:19
Plugin for redmine making it possible to attach file to issue by its url. Loading file is accomplished by a server, it is more exact by worker of delayed_job. 2013-10-04 15:32
Project Sections
The Project Sections plugin can be used to sp ... e plugin allows to have project, version and issue custom fields, which are available only for ... tions. The plugin addresses the following issues: #3174, #3224, #6319 and #7091. Check al ... project-sections/wiki (it has screenshots). 2013-10-04 13:31
Wiki Issue Fields
+Purpose :+ Display a list of issues and some of their properties in a wiki page, or in the description of an issue. The text is click-able, making a link to the issue itself. +Syntax:+ <pre>Single issue : {{issue_fields(issue_id,[options],[arguments])}} List of issues : {{issue_fields(issue_id_1 issue_id_2,[options],[arguments])}}</pre> _issue_id_ : issue number +Options:+ * +l : Add html link ... the project name number * +i : display the issue number * +c : display the field caption of ... instead of coma +Arguments:+ * Natives issue field : project, tracker, parent, status, pr ... timated_hours, done_ratio, created * Custom ... 2013-09-24 11:52
Traceability matrix
<pre> This plug-in is under development. It ... Shows the traceability matrix of 2 lists of issues. If some relations exists between issues (either _related_to_, _blocked_by_, _follow ... uses custom queries to get the two lists of issues. The traceability matrix is available in w ... iled : is a 2 column table, that put related issues side by side. This plugin has been ins ... eporting problems":/boards/3/topics/39661 2013-09-20 17:54
Usersnap for Redmine
h1. The best bug tracking & screenshot tool f ... t helps you to communicate effectively about issues and share feedback between developers, cust ... hot making it easy to reproduce the reported issues. "Learn more about Usersnap's features.": 2013-09-18 10:16
The plugin calculates how much work each user ... ay in order to hit the deadlines for all his issues. It also calculates this information for a user-group. It calculates issues (number and hours) that are behind schedule and calculates issues that are unplanned (number and hours) so far. To be able to do all this calculations, the issues start date, due date and estimated time must be filled in. Issues that have not filled in one of these fields ... rview, but the workload resulting from these issues will be ignored. !https://raw.githubuser ... rkload-plugin was written from Rafael Calleja 2013-08-29 14:26
Duty scheduler
This plugin is used to set shedule of duty da ... y or other week day when worker should solve issues (sit in an office and handle calls or somet ... started, Duty worker create report for each issue on that day. After that manager(or worker) ... Now it's in bootstrap style. !duty1.jpg! 2013-08-09 11:46
Redmine/MS Project sync
Flexible, fast and fuctional plugin. Allows i ... ustom field), fixed version, link to redmine issue, ...); * allows export whole project and cu ... ader plugin, now almost completely rewritten. 2013-08-08 12:10
Status Button
h1. Feature * Change the issues status by just one click. !http://www.redm ... status_button.jpg! * Automaticly change the issues assignee according to status. !http://www. ... efore this plugin can automaticly change the issues assignee: 1. Create some issue custom fileds(user format), such as 'designe ...! 2. Check Status Button plugin settings. Choose 'designer', 'reporter' or empty for each issue status. ! ... designer', 'reporter' field when create/edit issues. 2013-08-07 13:26
RTX Notify
h1. Feature * Notify user by RTX(, when issues added / edited. ! ... panies. RTX Home page: 2013-08-07 12:53
A luxury buttons
|{background:red; color:white}. Redmine Team ... «Luxury buttons» — is a plugin for the issue tracker «Redmine». Plugin provides a user-friendly interface for issue editing and allows you to customize the lifecycles of issues. ----- p{margin: 5px; font-size: 15 ... d-color:#FDFAE4; padding: 2px}Any actions on issue are implemented as buttons. Each button allo ... /! p{border: 1px solid #bbbbbb; ...! p{font-size: 15pt; margin-top: ...! p{font-size: 15pt; margin-to ... margin-top: 35px;}. %{color:transparent}.% 2013-08-07 08:27
Add Watchers Textinput
This is a plugin that replaces the checkboxes ... The pages that are modified are the "Add new issue" page and "Edit watchers" (on existing issue) popup. I installed Redmine at my company ... 60/redmine_watchers_textinput_screenshot.jpg! 2013-07-31 19:25
Wiki Lists
This plugin adds wiki macros that display issues lists. !! 2013-07-28 19:40
This plugin allows you to share an issue with other users, using readonly or editable permissions. When shared and on issue modification, the shared users will be notif ... adonly permission is like a watcher, but the issue is visible for him in the listings. * The editable permission is like assigning the issue to him, the user has visibility and he can modify the issue. This is my humble attempt to extend the issue assignment to many users (also adding manage ... to propose fixes, changes and improvements. 2013-07-18 21:09
Gitlab Merge Request
This plugin allow you to add a "New merge request" link on redmine issue. Gitlab merge request form will be filled based on project configuration 2013-07-14 12:54
Redmine Dashboard
This Redmine plugin add an issue dashboard that supports drag and drop for issues and various filters. 2013-06-25 23:43
h1. Redmine Reminder plugin for Redmine Pl ... y want to be notified. Also users can create issues category and choose on which days before due date of issues in this category they want to be notified. ... erties page Plugin also sends info about issues behind a schedule. Users cannot change this ... ity redmine-2.x for Redmine 2.0 and higher 2013-06-07 18:14
Receive IMAP emails anonymously (patch)
This plugin solves the problem that issues created from anonymous emails that are fetc ... the email address of anonymous mails to the issue description of a new issue. 2013-06-05 13:33
Incentify is a great way to: * Empower open ... users to place incentives, directly from the issue detail page. * Enable involved software dev ... with the service and displays a panel on the issue detail page. Please note that Donay Incen ... about this service at 2013-06-03 12:43
Issuefy is a redmine plugin for creating issues from a spreadsheet file, and save a lot of time. 2013-05-27 05:36
New Issue Alert List
This provides a quick and easy way to see who is notified of new issues via the "redmine_newissuealerts": plugin. 2013-05-15 23:21
Redmine Related Buster
Redmine plugin to show related issues with their children if state of parent is not same as on related. 2013-05-14 07:24
Redmine Touch
Redmine plugin to add missing function of "Last updated by" Usage: Each time someone change issue, custom field is updated with this user's na ... ters, search o just show column of Updated By 2013-05-09 02:19
Redmine Orphan Revisions
View not linked revisions in Redmine roadmap. ... s timeline but they are not linked to actual issues you will see link *show orphaned revs* * ... "merge branch" and "merge master" are skipped 2013-05-09 02:14